My Dearest Rosie

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Dearest Rosie,

Have you ever flown too far in which your wings are exhausted, and the sky no longer seems as blue as it once was? Where it seems there is not a single soul to help you get up off the ground? Where it appears the wind is too strong and almost blows you away like you were nothing? Your previous letters imply such.

Look around you, for just a moment, my dear. Look at the sky. Today, it is a canvas of radiant blue, dappled by puffs of clouds. Look deeply into that canvas until you are lost within the brilliant blue. Look at the trees. The strong, soaring, sturdy trees. Those very trees are the very thread of our existence. Go, sweet Rosie, walk among those trees and take in the sheer beauty of their purpose on this earth. Without those trees that surround you, you would find no creature's going about. Take in the fresh air that permeates out of those strong giants. Now close your eyes and listen, sweetheart. Listen to the chatter around you. Listen closely. You are not alone. You are never alone, darling. Every single person searches among these trees. The seemingly endless chatter. A tangle of chaos and beauty. Each path you take you come across fear, joy, and absolute serenity. Whether people ever find the tree that calls to them, is up to them because they are the only ones that can search for their thread. You have to keep searching, Rosie. Keep searching until you find your tree. Until you find the creature(s) that helps you along the way. That stays by you. You are the only one that can do this. Although the wind can be like a tornado, do not hide. Remember your tree. Remember that you must find it. Good luck, my dearest Rosie.

With all my heart,

Ms. Primilin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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