The Trip

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Logan's POV

" Is Alex sleeping?" Logan asked

" yeah."

"Okay I'm going to carry her to the car."

" Okay I'm going to say good bye to Hazel and Piper!"

" Okay!"

She's getting heavier. I put her in the car and the bags in the trunk

I see Alexandra walk up

" Are you ready babe?" I ask.

" Yeah did you say goodbye?"

" Yeah."

" Okay let's go!"

" Alex really has fun at camp with Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Horse dude as she calls him, and Grover and Clairese and Clairese actually likes Alex."

" I know Hun Alex loves camp!"

We got in the car and starting driving to the air port.


Hours later

Alex and Alexandra were sleeping here on the plane already were almost there.

There was a long dead silence and then Logan her Alex say

" Daddy? Are we almost there yet?"

" Yes we are, the plane should be landing soon."

" Okay."

" Babe." Alexandra said.

" Yeah honey?"

" I love you."

" I love you too."

I heard the pilot say

" We are about to land please fasten your seat belts."

" Okay Alex put your seat belt on."

" Okay."

Alexandra's POV

We got off the plane and Alex grab my hand grabbed are luggage and we headed to the hotel.

When we got there we signed in and when we walked in are room Alex screamed!



" Yeah we get to stay here and it's really nice!"

" Nice? it's gorgeous!!!"

" Yeah I know!"

" We'll Mommy let's go to the beach!"

" Me? No I'm 8 months pregnant! Your father with take you!"

" Babe it's vacation come on go to the beach!"

" No I'm huge!!!"

" Come on please!"

Them Logan did a pouty face and I couldn't resist.

" Fine!"

" The triplets would love the beach!"

" Shut up! Hun it's not funny!"

" I know."

Then he kisses me softly and says

" I love you go get ready!"

" Okayyy fine come on Alex."

" Okay!!"

I put a I bathing suit with and light dress black fleece that's really thin so it's no skin tight!

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