Kuroko's Secret is Revealed

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It was Kaijo's match, Kagami and Kise were going at it. Suddenly, Kagami went for a fast break where Kise, who didnt realize Kuroko was there, hit him. Suddenly, Kuroko let out a tiny mewl and his ears and tail came out and shocked everyone.


"Nii-san! Your ears! Your Tail!" Kirimo screamed at his brother to quickly hide it. Kirimo and Kuroko are twins but Kuroko is older by a few minutes.

"Huh?" Kuroko said touhing his head and back. Suddenly realized that his tail and ears are out. He suddenly stuffed his tail down his shorts and folded his ears down. Suddenly, they called for a time out.

"Kuroko-kun? Why are you a cat?!" Riko said being a little startled.

"Well, Riko-nyan, It started when I was born. I was born with this. I always hid it. Only Kirimo and Akashi-kun knows it." Kuroko said. as they all thought "Riko-nyan?"

"Since every body knows, I guess it's no use in hiding it." Kuroko said. Suddenly his tail was wagging everywhere and his ears are out. Every body said "Kawaii~"

"Ehh?! Kurokocchi~ Why are you a cat?" Kise asked being a baka as ever. (Gomenasai kise fans)

"Well, I am a cat. I'm a Neko-Phantom. Or as Kirimo-nyan says, a PhaNeko." Kuroko said licking his hand and rubbing it against his ears.

"Kyaahh~ Kawaii~ Kuroko-kun~" Riko said rubbing her face against Kuroko's which let out a little mewl. Since his neko form was out, he wasnt an umemotional person now. He has many expressions now.

"Kurokocchi so kawaii~ Let me take you home-ssu~" Kise said Grabbing kuroko and rubbing his face againts his.

"NO! If anybody gets to keep- I mean accompany Kuroko it should be me- I mean us!" Kagami said.

"Cat lovers." Kuroko said as he was scratching his ears. 

'Kawaii~' everyone thought even Kise's fangirls were running to Kuroko. One girl gave him a ball of yarn as Kuroko started playing with it.

"Kawaii~" They chorused as Kuroko was playing with the yarn. Suddenly, Riko snapped out of it and had to face Kuroko.

"Kuroko-kun, can you still play?" Riko asked scratching his ears earning Riko a purr.

"I guess I can, but Riko-nyan, You need to hide my tail or I will hit the others." Kuroko said with his ears down trying to hide his ears. He suddenly saw the girls on the ground with a bloody nosebleed.

"Kurokocchi~ So Kawaii~" Kise said rubbing his face against Kuroko. Riko, being the cat lover she is, grabbed Kuroko and sheilded him from Kise.

"Kise-kun, please dont touch our PhaNeko." Riko said patting Kuroko's head.

As they didnt know , Kirimo was sighing to himself ans said "I better tell Akashi-kun." Kirimo said texting to Akashi

Recipient: Akashi-kun

Subject: Nii-san

Akashi-kun, Kise-kun hit nii-sna and his identity is found. Please come to Kaijo immediately. They might try to lock up nii-san. Arigatou.


While they were arguing about who Kuroko was going to be with. Suddenly a pair of red scissors went flying accross the room and was stuck to the wall. Everybody in the room went "EHHH?!?"

"Akashi-kun, glad you came. As you can see, cat lovers." Kirimo said pointing out the freaks fighting for Kuroko.

"Tetsuya, come here." Akashi-kun said or should I say commanded but they were sheilding Kuroko with their life. Suddenly, Kirimo pulled something out and it showed his favorite toy, a ball with a bell inside. Kirimo shook it and made Kuroko come to them. Kirimo put it down and Kuroko started playing with it.

Suddenly, the rumor of a cat person suddenly spread around Kaijo and girls came in. Kise thought it was for him, but suddenly, he got trampled by feet as the girls started taking pictures or videos of Kuroko playing with his ball.

"May I excuse the coach and captain of Seirin. Kirimo, Tetsuya, you come too." Akashi commanded as they stepped out of the gym as the girls admired the picturs tey took of Kuroko. Suddenly, a "Yosha!!" Came screaming outside the gym which was familiar to the Seirin boys. 


"Since you now know what Tetsuya's condition is, we will allow it to be spread since the rumor already  in Kaijo, The coach and captain will be taking care of Tetsuya in Seirin along with Kirimo. Since the two brothers are classmates, he will take care of him during classes and you two will take care of him ouside of classes." Akashi said as Riko screamed of joy as her dream came true of a human cat came.

"Yosha!" Riko said raising her hand in excitment.

"Oi Riko, Calm down. Of course we will take care of him. But of course we need some help from you too." Hyuga said patting Kuroko on the head gently which caused him to purr and hide under Hyuga's head.

"Of course. I will visit weekly on how Tetsuya is." Akashi said.

"Yosh, can you please reschedule your match wtih Kaijo and think of plans on how to use Tetsuya on the court." Akashi said politely. It was not a command as a request because he cares for Kuroko.

"Umm... sure. I'll just tell their coach." Riko said running in the room and telling that to resched the match.

~Next Day~

It was time for class and Riko, Hyuga, Kirimo and Kuroko explained Kuroko's condition to the teachers as all the female teachers suddenly blushed as the male teachers just agreed.

"Of course. Anything for Kuroko-kun. But, I need to explain it to his hoomroom class. I'm his homeroon teacher, Yui-sensei." Yui-sensei said as she led Kuroko and Kirimo to their classroom.

"Class, I want to explain someting to you. Please come in." Sensei said as Kuroko came in.

"As you may know Kuroko is in your class but he has a special condition that his homeroom class must know first." Sensei said as she nodded to Kuroko saying to show it.

Kuroko is now looking down, eyes closed, with his light blue ears and tail. Suddenly all the girls screamed "Kawaii~" 

"Konnichiwa Minna-nyan, I am Kuroko Tetsuya, Basketball, Player, Phantom, Cat-Person." Kuroko said winking that made their nose bloody run to the floor.

"Okay Kuroko-kun. Take your seat now." Sensei said as Kuroko walked to his seat, suddenly a hand was felt on his tail, he suddenly flinched. He saw that it was a girl. Curious of Kuroko's tail suddenly grabbed it. It was his friend, Shiina. "Shiina-nyan, please dont touch my tail." Kuroko said pleadingly because of the awkward person touching his tail.

"Kuroko-kun! Call me that!" The girls of the class said as Kuroko tilted his head to the right causing them to blush and scream 'Kawaii~'

Suddenly, the bell rang and the girls, suddenly crowded around Kuroko. The door flew open revealing Riko and Hyuga.

"Kuroko, let's go or you will suffocate." Hyuga said. Kuroko didnt pay attention beause of the attention. Suddenly, Kirimo handed them a replica of Kuroko's favorite toy. Riko shook it and Kuroko jumped off his seat and went to Riko. his tail was shaking from left to right.

"Here you go~" Riko said dropping the ball and ruffling Kuroko's head earning herself a purr.

"Let's go or we will miss practice." Hyuga said.

They entered the gym and saw 4 colorful headed people.

"EHH?! Kiseki no Sedai?! What are you doing here?" Hyuga asked pointing at the colorful players.

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