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    Months passed without another word from Eveline; while her parents sometimes found themselves thinking about their daughter's "roommate" every so often, the subject of Eveline never once crossed Bella's mind. It was only a couple days after that talk with her daddy that Bella was back to her normal self, playing with Celes and smiling all the time, much to the relief of the adults around her.

Finally, August came in Louisiana and that meant the beginning of school for Toby and Celes, and the first day of Kindergarten for Kili and Thorin. This also meant that Bella would be without a playmate for most of the week days, a fact that worried Lucas and Chrys. She stood at the top of the driveway holding hands with her mother who had Evan sitting on her hip and watched her siblings get on a big yellow bus which the little girl silently feared a small bit. Bella tried to hide how upset she was, but an accidental snuffle gave her away. Chrys looked at her youngest daughter and gave her hand a light squeeze.

"It'll be fine, Sweetie." Chrys assured her, adding a pat on the head and a smile. "A few hours and you'll find yourself so busy with something that you'll forget your partner in crime is even gone."

Bella thought for a moment about what her mother had just said.

"When will Daddy be home?" She asked. Evan got excited at the mention of his daddy and was clapping his hands together like a seal who was being given a treat.

"Probably not 'til this evening."

"Is Papa doing anything?"

"I'm not sure, you'll have to go find him and see."

"On it!" Bella cried happily and took off running down the dirt path towards the Baker mansion. Behind her, Chrys laughed at her daughter's energy; it was such a relief to see her so full of life, to see any of her new family full life, really. Starting off at a walk, she began following Bella, figuring she'd go and see what her mother-in-law was up to. Suddenly, Evan started giggling and playing with his mother's long waves of hair.

"What'dya think Bud? Should we go see what Grandma's doing?" She cooed at him.

"Gra-ma! Gra-ma!" He squealed excitedly.

Chrys laughed "Alright then, let's go."

"Morning Mama!" Chrys called from the front door, loud enough for Marguerite to hear from the kitchen. She kicked off her sneakers and made her way down the hall, noticing a delicious scent as she did.

"Hi dear! Come on in, I've just finished making some chocolate chip cookies."

"You're starting early today." Chrys joked as she and Evan entered the kitchen. "Not even ten o'clock yet and you're already at it. Smells amazing though."

"Oh Jack's been craving 'em. Haven't been able to get him to stop askin' for some and I was a little bored anyway." Marguerite explained.

"You? Bored? I never knew that was possible! Especially with all the other million things you're always doing around here."

"A housewife's job is never done."

"You got that right." Chrys groaned. "How 'bout taking a break and sitting down for chat? God knows, you probably need it."

"Well I was going to start a load of laundry but I guess it can wait." The older woman said. Taking off her apron and setting it on the counter, she followed her daughter-in-law into the dining room and sat down in what was usually Jack's chair. Evan, who had been placed on the floor to play with his favourite toy car, immediately began begging to be held by his grandmother; he held out his chubby hands, opening and closing them to get her attention and started yelling "Gra-ma". With a laugh, Marguerite gave in and pulled him up onto her lap.

A Daughter's Gift (She's Mine to Protect Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now