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Sean and I arrived at my house and everyone else was there too. "Hey guys! Lets play truth or dare!!" I said with an evil smirk. "Yes!! Did you heard that Tahani and Josh are officially dating?!JOHANI FOR LIFE!!!" Kaycee squeled. "They're coming back tommorow" Gabe said. I wanna meet them so bad. " okay, lets begin with truth or dare!" I said. I spinned the bottle and it landed on Tati. "Kenneth, truth or dare?" Tati said with an evil smirk. "Uhh......Dare" Kenneth said nervously. "Hmm...I dare you to kiss the girl who you like." Tati said. Kenneth hesitated but eventually he sighed and kissed Bailey. BAIKEN!!!!!!!!!!"SHRIRKDJSNNGNDNDNDFNNFN BAILEN 4 LIFE!!!!!!!!" Me, Kaycee and Tati screamed. Kenneth and Bailey both blushed. Kenneth spinned the bottle and it landed on Kaycee. "Kaycee truth or dare?" Kenneth said. "Dare" Kaycee said. "I dare you to spend 7 minutes in heaven with Gabe." Kenneth said. Gabe blushed. He stood up and took Kaycee hand to the closet.

Kaycee's Pov
I was sooooooooo nervous, I like Gabe really really badly, but he doesn't know. We were in the closet and Gabe finally spoke. "So....." he said. "Gabe I liked you for so long, but I kept it as a secret. You're an amazing guy and you're very weird and that's what make you so special. I like you very much Gabriel de Guzman" I said. Wow, I just confessed my feelings. "Kaycee I don't like you" Gabe said. I felt really sad I had tears in my eyes. "I love you Kaycee Caitlin Rice" and with that he smashed his lips onto mine. I felt firework in my stomach. I felt save with him. We finally released after 3 minutes. "Kaycee Caitlin Rice. You're my one and only, my ride or die and my rice bowl. I liked you ever since I met you, but I didn't have the guts to tell you so.... Kaycee Caitlin Rice, will you be my girlfriend?" I had tears streaming down my face. This was so emotional. "Yes yes yes a thousand times Gabe!!!" I hugged him and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Times up" Kenneth said. We walked hand in hand to the rest and when they saw us they said "IS GAYCEE OFFICIAL" we nodded and everyone screamed and some posted it on instagram. I love Gabe with all my heart

Will's pov
I'm going to ask Tati what I've wanted for so long. "Tatiana Mquay I loved you since you ever talked to me. I love the way you smile, I love the way how you talk and I love everything about you. I love you so much so. Will you be my girlfriend?" She squealed "OFCOURSE WILLY" she hugged me and everyone cheered for us.

Sean's pov
I am so happy for Baiken, Wati and Gaycee,but I wish I had this relationship with Y/N. I guess I'm to late. Maybe I should move on.... Nah I'm kidding. I would never give op on her.

I'm so sorry guyssssss!!!
I have to much homework and I'm so sorry for not updating😢😢😢
But here I ammmmmmmm!!!!!!! Yayyy!!!! Did you like it???💓❤️❤️Comment and vote love ya guys

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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