Chapter One: Crystal

Começar do início

The music started and Lily began to sing.

She started soft at first, but began to build up as the song went on.

"Fairest of them all..." she finished.

Christine clapped loudly and Lily smiled, walking off the stage to Addison. "Told you I'd have no problem."

Addison scoffed. "I'm still much better than you."


"Crystal Martinez!"

Lily watched as Crystal nervously walked on stage.

Of course Crystal was auditioning for Ivy. How convenient. She was much prettier that Lily, and probably a better singer too.

"Hi," Crystal started. "Um, I'll be singing A Quiet Night at Home from Bare."

Crystal began to sing, looking very nervous. She had a beautiful voice.

She finished the song and ran off stage before Christine could say anything.

"I didn't know you were auditioning for Ivy, too!" She exclaimed when she saw Lily. "Although, I'm not surprised. You're beautiful and you have the voice of an angel."

Lily blushed a bit. "I'm not as pretty as you." She loved the colour of Crystal's hair, which was caramel. Her eyes were a mesmerizing light brown.

"Bullshit," Crystal sang, nudging Lily.

Lily blushed harder.


Half an hour later, Christine called everyone on stage.

"Okay! You all did an amazing job, and I hope you're all proud of yourselves." She took a deep breath, reading off a clipboard.

"Jason McConnell will be played by Noah Harvey."

Lily heard a small cheer.

"Peter Simonds will be Dave Thompson. Ivy Robinson will be Lily Heere."

Lily beamed and Crystal gave her a high five.

Christine announced the rest of the cast list.

Addison didn't even get into the ensemble, which wasn't a surprise.

However, Crystal wasn't in the show either.

Once they had all been dismissed and everyone was leaving, Christine walked up to Crystal and Lily.

"Crystal! You have an amazing voice," she started. "You just need to build on your confidence."

Crystal nodded. "I get really nervous when performing in front of people. This was my first audition."

"Wow. You really should be proud of yourself. Okay, I have to go. Have a nice week, girls!" With that, Christine was gone.

The two girls walked out the front. "How are you getting home?" Lily asked.

Crystal swung down her backpack and pulled out a notebook and pen. "My aunt's picking me up." She began to write.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked.

"I'm working on a story. I like writing," she replied without looking up.

"Oh, cool! Could I read it sometime?"

Crystal nodded. Lily looked out to the parking lot and saw Connor's car there. "Oh! I have to go. It was nice meeting you."

She was stopped by Crystal attacking her with a hug. After a moment, they both pulled away.

"I hope we'll see each other again," Crystal said.

Lily nodded in agreement. "Bye, Crystal."

She walked over to Connor's car and got in the passenger side, waving to her new friend as they drove off.

"How did you go?" Connor asked excitedly.

"Well..." Lily said in a fake disappointed voice. "I got the part!" She exclaimed.

"Wait, really? Wow, I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks," Lily responded. She opened her backpack to retrieve her water bottle, but found something else in there, too.

A piece of paper.

Confused, she opened it. On it was a phone number with a heart and smiley face under it. Crystal was signed at the bottom in cursive.

A/N: Sorry, that was really bad.

In the SpotlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora