Chapter 92: "The Guardian of the Zamarud - II"

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The Tor Gul tribe, however, was left far behind due to the manipulation of the elites within the tribe. They forbade their people, especially women and the poor, from getting education and ruled them with the same barbaric rules of many centuries ago. The old pact of non interference in Tor Gul tribal affairs prevented Sulaiman for taking any steps for the betterment of the oppressed tribal people. Sulaiman planned on setting the state on a more democratic pathway, where the Grand council and the Chief would have nominal status as head of State. With this he hoped to revoke the oppressive pact of non-interference through popular vote and alleviate the miserable situation of the common man in the Tor Gul tribe.

The Chief of Tor Gul Tribe, Agha Gul became a bitter rival of Sulaiman upon learning of his intentions to overturn the rulings of the pact. He already detested Sulaiman for stealing his thunder. After the previous Grand Chief fell ill, Agha Gul expected the Council to appoint him as the next Grand Chief. He was oldest of all the Council members, came from a well respected family and was considered quiet intelligent. The Grand Council, however, knew him to be a cunning man and named Sulaiman – Zamarud's descendant - as the next Grand Chief. They argued that they could not trust him to maintain justice in Sthooriya given his tolerance to the injustices done in his own tribe.

Agha Gul made a public show of having accepted the decision but from that day on, he kept conspiring against Sulaiman and the Grand Council. Within the first year of Sulaiman's rule, two of his most loyal Council members were killed, he himself narrowly escaped an assassination attempt and there was an attempt to steal the treasured and much adored emerald crest – The Zamarud. The Sthooriy viewed the 'Zamarud' as a national treasure and symbol of their heritage and success. It was no more worn by the Grand Chief but was kept by his vicegerent, or the 'Guardian of the Zamarud'. The family that housed the Zamarud was automatically respected and held in high esteem.

Shrewd like his ancestors, Sulaiman realized the Zamarud and his family were not safe. The Council members established an army of Green Coats – A group of well trained fighters that were given the task to protect the Zamarud and the Grand Chief's family. Fifteen years later, however, Sulaiman was assassinated on his way back from a graduation ceremony of Sthooriya's first batch of fighter pilots. The batch consisted of a young female and three young male pilots – one of them being Sulaiman's only son, Huraiyra. Three days later, his son disappeared; no trace left what so ever.

Grabbing the opportunity, Agha Gul rushed to the Grand Council, mocking much distress over the loss of all the male descendants of the first Grand Chief, Zamarud. He could see no one stopping him from becoming the Supreme Ruler now that Sulaiman was dead and his son, the Guardian of the 'Zamarud' was missing. Agha Gul walked into the Council Hall with much confidence only to get the shock of his life with the sight met by his eyes.

There, upon the High Chair, where the Grand Chief sat, was seated Nimrah – Sulaiman's widow, and around her neck hung the green crystal of the Zamarud.

"Ah! Agha Gul, you're here at last," Nimrah welcomed him, her heart aching at the loss of her husband and her son at the hands of man who stood before her.

"Lady Nimrah?" he murmured the name, his eyes zeroing on the Zamarud around her neck, "You're the guardian of the Zamarud."

"Indeed," she replied, her voice icy. "And as the rules of the High Council reads, 'in case of the sudden death or unforeseen absence of the Grand Chief, the Guardian of the Zamarud – if of age - would overlook the affairs of the state till the Grand Council chooses another Grand Chief. And also, 'In case of a deadlock among the members, the Guardian of Zamarud – if of age - may be given the authority to name a Grand Chief after passing the Zamarud to another Guardian."

She watched the evil man's piercing grey eyes closely, seeing them flash with mad rage and bitter disappointment. He may have been more cunning, but her husband was cleverer.

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