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AN: NSFW, this is pure porn with some sprinkling of plot. Song used in this oneshot is Orion's Belt by Sabrina Claudio. Edited by the wonderful rainbowsraging

The music was loud. The soft mesmerizing vocals, the thick beat, and the slow rhythm surrounded him and sank into his skin, making his hair stand on edge. It drowned out the entire world, it drowned out the noise in this head until he could hear nothing but the rhythm and beats.

It was blessed relief.

Mitch tossed his head back and looked at the ceiling with hooded, passion glazed eyes - blissful and relaxed for the first time in several weeks.

There was something magical about this; just lying in bed, inhaling the aroma of lavender, with the house empty and dark around him. Mitch was rarely alone; surrounded by a large group of friends, greeted by fans when on simple errands, and often in the presence of PTX band members and crew.

Then there was Scott. Mitch loved Scott, felt safe and sheltered in his presence, but sometimes he needed a break from that as well.

Scott was powerful. He had a way of filling the room, the entire house with his presence and saturating the air with his energy. Mitch loved it, but sometimes it was overwhelming. Sometimes, he wanted to completely disconnect and just drift.

Like he was doing right now.

"This mess of emotions got his body questioning, is this feeling alright?"

Mitch let the smooth, silky voice sink into his mind and soul, carrying him away from the world. He had the volume turned up high and beat of the song was thrumming through his body. He rarely got to do this, to let just indulge in music and let it overtake him.

There were no distractions.

"He's studying my freckles like a constellation, and he's looking for signs..."

The body was bare, his sheet draped lazily over his feet but the rest was exposed to the cool evening air coming through the windows, flowing over him gently. He felt free, liberated and content. There was something thrilling and beautiful about being completely alone at that moment, to know that no one could see him at his most vulnerable.

Lazily, Mitch lifted his left hand and looked at it, his lips curling into a sensual smile at the feel of the silk black gloves. He rubbed his fingers together, letting out a low, soft moan..

So delicious and sensual...

Swallowing, he brought his fingers to his lips, and shivered as he traced them. The barrier muted the sensation of touch but the slip of silk against skin felt thrilling and exotic. He dragged a thumb against his bottom lip, pulling it back, pressing against the flesh until it almost stung.

He wanted his lips to feel kissed-bitten-swollen.

"I know that you're not used to this, boy will you let me teach you? Your mind is asking for my love and you just need to hear it,"

Mitch moved slowly against the sheets, sighing as the whispery voice and rhythm calmed his mind and soothed all nerves. Gently, he traced the line of his jaw and trembled as he felt the silk catch on the shadow of his stubble. The contrast was incredible and so sensual that he was almost breathless as he traced the line of his throat. His pulse was racing underneath his gloved fingers and he felt so so naughty.

"Try not to wander off too much, don't let your fear control you. Keep you attentive with authentic kisses, filled with amour. I'll show you-" The melody of the song raised goosebumps along his arms and legs as he closed his eyes, blocking out everything but the sound of music and the touch of his hands, "how we're supposed to feel when we meet - at Orion's belt. I'll show you, how we're supposed to feel-"

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