What Is Chiari?

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First thing you guys need to know is it's a deformity or Malformation in which it's said to be common but obviously not if half of the doctors people go to don't know what the hell it is. Like the first doctor that figured out I had it. But that's a different story I'll explain later.

There are 4 types

Type 1 is not severe and most patients will get symptoms at a late age or never feel symptoms at all.

Type 2 is not as severe as type 3 (thankfully) but (When you are trying to find the facts but your stupid computer is not turning on) can cause life-threatening complications at child birth and infancy. The symptoms in Type 2 are usually much more severe then in Type 1.

Type 3 is a rarer form of Chiari and is much more severe. This can cause physical and mental delays and debilitating and life threatening infancy, and seizures.

Type 4 is when the cerebellum is in its correct position but parts of it are missing.

Symptoms include:
Neck pain
Hearing or balance problems
Muscle weakness or numbness
Difficulty swallowing or speaking
Vomiting  (Ok my doctor is calling these migraines. Well HELLO!!!)
Ringing or buzzing in the ears
Depression (I definitely have on and off depression... Don't question me 🤦🏻‍♀️)
Problems with hand coordination and fine motor skills

My mom says I can't hold a fork right.
And my feet turning red and a vein sticking out is something with Chiari.

First of all I have autism too and I like doing things in my own damn way so no!

And we already figured out I kind of have pigeon toe now with my right foot.

And I bet I can catch anything faster then you can 🤦🏻‍♀️

You couldn't catch a swinging locker door.

My Life With Chiari (Rewrite)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ