My Longest Love

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He loves her. She doesn't know him. Lydia Martin is the most popular girl in school. As perfect as it gets from her flawless strawberry blonde hair to her high heels clicking down the hall. Stiles Stilinski has completely fallen for her. He wants her. No, he NEEDS her...but he can't have her. Jackson Whittemore, one of the most popular guys in school, has her and they aren't afraid to show people that. Everyday at school Jackson and Lydia can be found making out anywhere possible. And stiles can't handle it. It breaks his heart.

"Hey what's on your mind?" stiles jumps at the voice behind him.

"Oh hey Scott didn't see you there." stiles best friend, Scott McCall always knew when something was on his mind.

"Uh yeah I can tell...didn't you hear me the first ten times I said your name?!" Scott asked.

"Nah sorry bro I was really into" stiles mumbled.

"Lydia again?" Scott nearly shouted.

"Could you be a little quieter?!? She could hear us!" Stiles said urgently.

" c'mon everyone know you're hopelessly in love with her, ever since freshman year don't you remember?" Scott replied softly

"I must've blocked out all the bad memories..." stiles whispered.

" kinda ran up to her and-"

"I don't need to know!! If I don't remember I'd rather not revisit my past!" stiles interrupted.

"Right sorry...anyway that was the warning bell we better get to class." Scott replied, and they hurried off to their first hour on their separate ways.


Stiles sat there staring...was it rude to stare? Didn't matter that wasn't going to stop him anyway. She was perfect in every way. He let his mind drift for a minute...

There they were, him and Lydia, in his bedroom. She was on the edge of his bed crying after a hard breakup with jackson. Stiles sat down next to her and let her rest her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you so much for being here for me stiles I...I can't believe this happened I mean I knew it was going to in the end everyone saw it coming and at some point you start believing that yourself and...and..." she was talking so fast that the words were tumbling out of her like she couldn't hold them in anymore.

"Lydia...LYDIA! It's'll be just need time to process what went down today and it'll all be fine, I promise." Lydia looked up at stiles with her innocent eyes.

"Thank much." Lydia replied. She gazed up at him and leaned in closer. Her lips were getting closer to his. Closer. Closer. Closer still, until they were just centimeters apart and he could almost taste her lips on his. he kept going and...

"STILES I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" Mr. Olson shouted and it brought Stiles back to reality.

"Oh um...sorry could you repeat the question again?" Stiles mumbled.

"I do not tolerate people not paying attention in my class are we clear?" Olson yelled again, "you'll have to stay with me for five minutes after class to clear things up!"

"That won't be necessary, Mr. Olson." a quiet voice across the room from Stiles nearly whispered and Stiles couldn't believe it was really her.

"And why's that Ms. Lydia Martin?" Olson asked, still angry.

"I'm afraid he'll be occupied after class, sir." The words slid sweetly out of Lydia's mouth and Stiles couldn't believe what he had heard.

"And what exactly will he be occupied with?" the teacher still wasn't going to let it slide.

"We have some things to discuss that are far more important than yours." Lydia persuaded.

"Fine. Go with Lydia and discuss whatever it is you have to talk about just keep it PG-13 ok? No sex in the bathroom." Olson gave in.

Stiles nearly fainted. He couldn't believe it. Couldn't believe any of this. Lydia Martin had stood up for him in front of the whole class and better yet, even if she had nothing to say to him, she had to do something so no one would get suspicious. ANDD the teacher had even suggested that there could be a make out session or at least a little kiss. Stiles couldn't wait.

The rest of the hour went by slowly, but the bell rang and he shot out of his seat. Walking out of the class he found Lydia waiting for him.

"Hey." she said softly.

"Hey me? Oh right um hi!" stiles struggled.

"Here come with me, I have to tell you something Stiles." Lydia took him by the hand and led him outside where there was nearly no one around. His name. She had said his name. His mind was whirling and he couldn't believe this.

"Ok...what do you need to tell me?" Stiles asked, somewhat afraid of what would happen next.

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