Merry Christmas

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Hello :) This is my first story so It might not be very good. But I'm going to try, so I hope you like it!! :)

My name is Lena, Lena Johnson.

Im eleven years old and I live in Oregon with my mom and my step-dad. My parents got divorced when I was three and now my dad lives in Puerto Rico because of his job. He's a fish and wildlife biologist.

My parents take turns spending time with me during Christmas. This year my mom and step-dad decided to go to Puerto Rico to visit family. It was also my dads turn to have me for Christmas so my mom dropped me off at his small apartment. Everything was just perfect until my step-mom, Maria got sick on Christmas Eve.

My dad never told me exactly what with her and I never asked. When we got to the hospital my dad and Maria left with the docter, leaving me alone in the waiting room. They were gone for a really long time and when my dad came back, he was dressed in light blue scrubs and he was crying. Before I could ask what was wrong he said "Hey hun, I will be right back, I have to make a phone call." He gave me with Marias cell phone in case of an emergency. "Ok daddy." I said, but the truth was, it wasn't ok. I wasn't ok. I was starting to get really uncomfortable sitting around all these weird people. I always get really nervous around strangers. I just wanted to go home and spend time with daddy and Maria!

Two hours later he came Back and said that we had to go back home and leave Maria at the hospital. So we went down stairs and bought some stuffed animals for Maria. When we got to the car he turned the music on and started dancing and making me laugh. After a few minutes we decided to leave. His driving was a little strange, almost like he was drunk and he had only one eye open. On the way home, he stopped on the side of the road and started peeing. His phone vibrated so I looked at the text. It said..."Bryann, it's ok she will get better you don't need to start drinking again." Huh? Daddy drank? I quickly put the phone back before my daddy came.

Later, that night me and daddy watched Shrek. My dad was asleep by the time the movie was over so I sat on his lap and tried to wake him up. "Daddy! Wake up!" Suddenly he grabbed my shoulder and started screaming "Don't let them hurt me! Don't let them!!" I started crying because I was so confused and scared that I said. " Its ok daddy, I won't let them hurt you!" then he opened his eye and told me to go to sleep.

On Christmas morning me and my ate breakfast but he never gave me any present or even said Merry Christmas. Instead he said he was gunna take a nap. I got bored after a while so I started cleaning and getting everything ready for Maria.

After about an hour I knocked on daddys door. But he just yelled and told me to go hell. It felt like someone had just knocked the air right out of me. I had to find out what he was doing in there! So I went outside behind the apartment and looked through his window. He was asleep on the bed and there was porn on the t.v. I was confused, why would daddy be watching that? I went back inside and decided to call my mom. She was having a great time and she asked me how I was doing. I didn't tell her the truth because I knew she would take me away from daddy and I didn't want to leave him. After I said goodbye I heard my dad talking to a woman in the living room. "Can you please take her for me? I can handle her right now." My daddy whispered urgently. I walked into the living room and they both looked at me. "Hunny, this is Sophia, she will be taking you home with her." I don't know why I even agreed to going with her. I didn't know her at all. Why would daddy leave me with a woman I didn't know?

I spent the night at Sophia's house and I called my mom in the morning asking her to please come and get me.

A few months later I got a letter from my daddy. He apologized for what he dis and told me he had PTSD and he was an alcoholic. On the very bottom of the letter it said. "Merry Christmas".

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