Chapter 2 ~ Crush

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Caesar could not stop thinking about Rayna. It was starting to worry his family since he zoned out in thought. They had no idea that the young ape had a crush. They wondered if he was sick. He wasn't as playful as he use to be. He was very quiet and withdrawn from everyone. When it came to meals he barely ate as well.

Worried that he might be sick with something, Caroline had taken him to work so she could give him a full medical exam. When the results came back negative for anything and showed how healthy Caesar was they were stumped.
Will had tried talking with Caesar about what was wrong. His son didn't say a thing. Telling his father he was just fine. At a loss they let him be for now.

When the weekend came again Caesar seemed to come alive again. Excited he had helped Caroline pack their picnic. He had ended up packing more food than they needed but, happy that he was back to his normal self his parents let him be.


When they had arrived in the Muir woods Caesar could barely wait for Will to open the trunk for him. He hooted impatiently when Will took his time to put on his leash.

"Alright, Caesar slow down! " Will laughed as Caesar pulled at his hand for him to hurry to one of their favorite spots.

Once they had reached it, Caroline set the blanket. Caesar quickly went through the picnic basket. Grabbing the two sandwiches he packed along with some fruit. He had thought ahead and had placed it in a bag. His parents just watched as he riffled through the basket. Once he was done he didn't even look back as he climbed a tree and quickly disappeared.

"What do you think is up with him?" Will said looking at Caroline in confusion. She merely shrugged just as confused at her husband. Deciding not to worry since Caesar always came back they sat down and enjoyed a picnic of there own. Even if they had wanted to follow there was no way to keep up with the young ape.


Arriving at the area he last saw Rayna he felt his chest tighten as he saw her. He had worried he would not see her again. Happy that she was here he rushed down startling her out of her book. This one having a different cover of a young woman with a silver wolf. Smiling when she saw him she closed her book setting it aside.

"Hello Caesar. I was hoping to see you again." She smiled at him making him warm in the face. He gazed at her taking in her. She had her dark hair down. It curled beautifully past her shoulders some of the curls coming to rest on the top of her breasts. She was wearing some sort dress. It was bright blue almost green in color. It went a little past her knees. It had an intricate design that showed above her breasts. And tiny straps to hold in place. Caesar liked it. Especially how it dipped up front and showed a bit of her breasts.

"Like my dress ?" She teased laughing as he stopped staring in embarrassment. He nodded quickly feeling stupid and out of sorts for the way he felt differently. He then remembered his picnic he packed for them. Setting it down on her blanket he set out there meal. Placing his right across from her.

Caroline had helped him make his favorite peanut butter and raspberry toasted sandwich. Some apple and pear slices and a bottle of water each to drink.

When he was done setting up he looked up to see her watching. He was confident she would like this meal.  So grabbing her wrapped sandwich he handed it to her trying to let her know he had made it for her.

"You brought me lunch? That was sweet of you. " She smiled grabbing the sandwich from his hand. 

He smiled pleased that she liked it. So in comfortable silence, they ate. She hummed and finished off each bite. Seeming to really enjoy it. Once they were both done she cleaned up all the wrapped and empty water bottles and put them in the bag he had brought.

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