Naughty Billo---Shot 28

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Hlo guys! I m back. Thank you so much for your response on last part.I want to clear that as the title says, swara will be naughty billo only so don’t worry about that. So I came soon with next shot so that u all need not to wait more. Hope so u will like it.
Let’s begin:

NAUGHTY BILLO(swasan ff)
SHOT 28:
Swasan room:
Sanskar opened his eyes and saw swara in traditional get up. Sanskar rubbed his eyes and saw her again.
Sanskar: swara what u have worn?
Swara:why sanskar Ji I m not looking good?
Sanskar’s breathe got stuck somewhere in his throat and asked
Sanskar: what u called me?
Swara: sanskar Ji.
Swara:u only said that u are fed up of my childish acts and want me to be mature. So now I will be like responsible wife who always listen to her husband, never argue with him, respect him….
Sanskar: swara I didn’t mean all those words it was just I was angry.
Swara: but now I m changed so nothing can be done.
Sanskar:plzz stop it Swara.
Swara(sternly): no I will not so better adjust with it.
Sanskar was getting irritated as he was trying to pacify her but she is showing her attitude and moreover mistake was her.
Sanskar (annoyed): okay do whatever u want to do I will not say anything.
He left to the washroom leaving behind shocked Swara.
Swara ran to the door but she stumble due to saree.
Swara(mumble):ufff this saree I will tear it.
Then she slowly went down.

Swara is pacing here and there in hall waiting for sujata who is in garden. Sanskar after getting ready came down and saw her. Before he could reach her, sujata came and swara said
Swara: thank God u came mom I want to tell u something.
Sanskar stops there only, to listen what they are talking.
Sujata: what happened swara?
Swara(tensed): mom our plan got flopped.
She put her saree pallu back as it was irritating her.
Sanskar smiled brightly bcoz he get to know her swara is that kiddo only from her expressions and gestures.
But why she is behaving like this??
Sujata: what?? Sanskar get to know that u are acting??
Sanskar was shocked to listen that she is doing acting.
Swara: no but he said he don’t care if I change. In fact he again got angry (pout).
Sujata: don’t worry u just continue this. Soon he will get to know that he should not try to change someone.
Swara: but mom Sanskar said he didn’t mean those words.
Sujata: but then also he should know how to control his anger and u know if these hunbands are not given good lesson then they will always shout at wife to take out his anger.
Swara(hug sujata): yes how he can say me to stay away from u.
Sujata(hug her back): awww mera bacha(aww my baby).
Then swara and sujata went to kitchen.

Sanskar is standing with open mouth and wide eyes trying to understand what is happening.
Sanskar(monologue): I was hell worried that swara is angry but here she is doing drama. Like seriously huh!! U are very fond of acting my dear wifey then just wait and watch your husband will show u Oscar winning acting now.
Get ready Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheshwari now I will teach u how to become ideal wife(smirks)
Sanskar came down with stern face and shouted
Sanskar: swara come here.
Swara was in kitchen and mumble
Swara: ohh God again I have to walk with this saree.
Sujata: yes go and do well. All the best.
Swara: thanks.

Swara came out holding her saree as she is not used to it.
Sanskar (laughs internally and thought): huh! This kiddo can’t even handle a saree and going to become responsible wife. LOL.
Swara: yes sanskar Ji.
Sanskar(straightly): where is my breakfast?Don’t u know I m getting late.
Swara: I will tell mom.
Sanskar:why mom?? u will bring as u are my wife.
Swara: but everyday mom brings.
Sanskar:yeah but now as u r on the mission to be an ideal wife so its your duty. Got it.
Swara was staring him with open mouth.
Swara(thinks): it was me who is acting of being changed but why he is behaving like this.
Sanskar chuckles seeing her lost bcoz he very well know what is going in her childish mind.
He went close to her and whispers huskily in her ear
Sanskar: close your mouth Swara otherwise flies will enter.
Swara instantly shut her mouth and shouted
Swara: momm
And went to kitchen quickly but she didn’t ran why???? Saree problem yarrr.
Sanskar can’t stop laughing at her antics.
Later, swara came with Sanskar’s breakfast and keep the plate in front of him and was about to sit on other chair
When sanskar stopped
Sanskar: swara you have to eat after me.
Swara: why?? Who do like this?
Sanskar (smiles): Sanskari and ideal wife.
Swara made sucking face. Swara give pleading look to sujata and she said to continue with gestures.
Sanskar who was seeing them was having tough time to control his laughter.
Sanskar (thinks): u got tired also Swarar but abi tho drama shuru huya hai(but now just drama has started) I m wanting when u will confess that u are doing acting.
After doing breakfast sanskar got up.
Sanskar: swara come with me.
Swara: tell me here only.
Swara: there is some problem.
Sanskar:I think u should listen to your husband.
Swara: ufffff
Swara went with him till the car.
Sanskar: clean my side of cupboard as it’s messy.
Swara: but its your work.
Sanskar: again arguments???
Swara: okay anything else.
Sanskar(Peck her lips): bye
Swara(make faces): very good bye.

Swasan room:
Swara is cleaning cupboard and cursing Sanskar
Swara: huh!! What he thinks that he will order me. If I was not doing this acting then I would have seen him. Swara do this Swara do that…huh(imitates Sanskar).
Then only her phone rings. She received it.
Swara: yes whoever is this I m very busy call later.
It was sanskar only who else with be there.
Sanskar: what are you doing?
Swara: that only what u had told in the morning, cleaning your over messy cupboard.
Sanskar: ohh good girl.
Swara: why u called me Sanskar Ji?
Sanskar smiles seeing her annoyed.
Sanskar: actually I want to tell what all u should make in dinner for me.
He told her dishes and she got angry.
Swara: do you think this is hotel that u are giving order.
Sanskar: swara u are questioning your husband??
Swara: omg what all the time husband husband.
Sanskar: see if u want to be a good wife then u have to do all this otherwise behave normally.
Swara: no way I will not back off.
Sanskar: good luck then.
Swara: I don’t need your luck buck.
She cut the call.
While setting clothes, swara saw that something fall from down. She picked it and saw it was Sanskar’s childhood pic in which he is wearing only undergarments.
Swara laughed seeing it.
Swara: now come home sanskar Ji I will show u what this swara can do.

At night:
Dining table
Sanskar is sitting on his chair and saw few of the dishes he has told to make.
He was damm sure that Swara has not made but still asked
Sanskar: swara u prepared all this?
Swara: no I had helped mom.
Sanskar: next time u should make.
Swara: okay will see.
Sujata: today also swara has prepared something on her own. Swara bring that dish.
Swara: sure mom
Sanskar was wondering what she must have made. His thoughts broke when swara placed the plate of the dish which she has made.
Sanskar looked at Swara with” like seriously” look
Sanskar: so have made salad??
Swara nod her head.
Sanskar: I think it was very tough to make.
Swara: yes I was sweating while making it only for my patidev.Right mom
Sujata: ofcouse.
Sanskar (thought): both are nautankis.
Later they had their dinner and went to their room.

Swasan room:
Sanskar is sitting on the bed when swara came out from washroom in her light nighty. She signed in relief that finally now she is free from that saree.
Sanskar chuckles seeing her.
Swara went to her side of bed but then only she remembered about the pic she found.
Swara(sweetly):sanskar Ji I have a surprise for you.
Sanskar (confused); what??
Swara show him photo and said
Swara:see someone is not having clothes to wear very poor.
Sanskar: swara give that to me.
Swara shook her head in no and give him teasing smile.
Sanskar; swara u r giving me or not?
Swara: noooo
Sanskar pulled Swara and took her beneath him.He pinned her hands at the top.
Swara is laughing. Sanskar tried to take that pic but she has fisted it in her hand tightly.
Sanskar got an idea and smirks.He lean towards her and kissed her cheeks softly. He started Caressing her cheeks with his nose.Swara got lost in his touch. Her fist got losen. Taking it as a chance Sanskar took the pic.
Sanskar: here I go with this pic.
He put the photo in drawer and locked it.
Now Swara realizes what he did.
Swara(shouts): this is cheating sanskar.
Sanskar: everything is fare baby.
He took her in his embrace and she also put her head on his chest.
Sanskar: swara
Swara: hmm
Sanskar: may I give you a tip to become extra sanskari wife.
Swara: which one?
Sanskar: today u wore saree so tomorrow put veil also.
He teases her as he was knowing how much irritated she was from that saree
Swara: ohh so that I can fall at every step and break my bones.
Sanskar laughs
Swara: I don’t need your stupid suggestions. Keep them with u bcoz I m capable of doing everything on my own.
Sanskar (chuckles): as u wish.
He hugged her tightly and soon both slept.
To be continued…

Precap: sanskar irritate swara to the peak. Whether she will surrender???

I seriously don’t know what all I had written bcoz this acting drama I thought after seeing your comments on last part. So I modified the track from serious to funny. I hope you will like it.

Kindly leave your comments if you like it and find it worth reading.
Thank you
Take care.

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