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"Sweetheart, are you sure you want to go... there?" Your mom asks you, putting emphasis in the word 'there'. 'There' being NMH. The Nevada Mental Hospital where they store the criminally insane.

Okay, not store... More like... Hold captive? It's an insane asylum, but the name is covered by it being referred to as a 'hospital'.

"Yes, Mom. I'm sure. It'll help me with my psychiatry practice and stuff. I'll be fine. They told me that the psychiatrist's assitants are almost never harmed on the first day" you say, joking with her of course.

"The first day?" She raises her voice in the small car, her hands gripping the steering wheel as she makes a right. It was like a long driveway.

"I don't know how i feel about this" she mumbles, leaning forward to eye up the building.

"It looks creepy" she admits. It did, but what were mental hospitals supposed to look like? The old brick was a pale grey, some of them falling apart. The gate at the front opened as your mom pulled forward. It was like Dracula's creepy ass castle.

"Okay, Y/n, i understand that you want a job to practice your psychiatry, but do you think criminals are the way to go?"

You sigh as the car comes to a stop, "Mom, they can't help it. They're crazy. They just need some help" you say. She looks from you to the building, a skeptical look held on her face until she gives in.

"Alright, but as soon as something happens, you are never coming back. Do you understand me?"

You nod joyfully and throw your arms around her, "thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you, Mom" you say as you exit the car. You walk up to the front doors, sliding your cell phone into the back pocket of your jeans. You buzz the security system on the outer wall, then a female voice erupts from the small box.

"Hi, how may i help you?"

You lean closer to the box, "um... Hi, i'm your new Psychiatrist's assistant?" you say as more of a question.

A loud 'click' sounds, indicating that the door has been unlocked, "come on in" the woman says.

You haul the large door forward, opening it up to a large, dark, open area. The outdated black and white tiled floors welcomed you to a large dark wood reception desk. The two staircases on the sides of the room matched the wood that the woman sat at. The interior of the entire building matched that one desk. Or, of course, the desk matched the interior... That makes more sense. Oh, how wonderful. That madness was already getting to you.

The woman at the desk stands and walks around the front of it, greeting you, "Hello, you must be Y/n" she says. You nod your head and smile, shaking the hand she held out for you.

"Oh, we are so glad to welcome you here. It gets a little crazy, but we do have fun. I'm Beth" she smiles, turning around to grab some papers from her desk. She hands you one, a map of the building. Seven floors in this damned place.

"Alright, shall we head on the tour?" She asks, a large smile on her face.

You nod once again, "sure."

She gestures with her hand for you to follow her and you trek up the left staircase, to the second floor, the lobby being the first floor. As you rounded the corner, she started to speak, "okay darling, now this is the release floor. This is where all the patients who are soon-to-be let out are held. It's more calm here than on the other floors." She explains as you walk through, seeing people in the rooms.

Psychosis || Grayson Dolan - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now