Words of the Wiser

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What is better: to be born good or to overcome evil through great effort?

Sometimes life puts you in difficult circumstances you didn't choose, but being happy or unhappy is a choice you make, and I've chosen to make the best of things that I can.

Any warrior that gets to be old is either fearsome or a coward.

Bring glory, and that glory will return upon you.

The best techniques are passed on by the survivors.

Keep your brother, and he'll keep you.

The wisdom of a bitter fool is not without value.

No man can deny his destiny.

The best leader is a constant student.

Rumors travel far.

I wish there was a way you could know you were in the good old days before you left them.

Outcomes, whether good or bad, allow us to move forward.

An obstacle is just a barrier you haven't broken through yet.

Stare into the abyss. And make it blink first.

Pain is temporary. Glory is eternal.

Bear your scars on your chest, never on your back.

The only true failure is accepting failure.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

Pain is weakness leaving your body.

Effort breeds success.

If you never give up, you never lose.

Better to die on your feet than live in your knees.

Fear is a reflex. Courage is a choice.

No one is taller than the last man standing.

Fear of rejection is worse than rejection.

Suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.

Impossible is a word weak people use to justify giving up.

Show no mercy for you will never recieve any.

Depression breeds failure, effort breeds success.

Falling is not defeat. Not getting up is.

Goals are fuel in the furnace of achievement.

They want you to fail because they don't want to be alone.

Don't let them look down on you when you don't look up to them.

Find the line and cross it.

You are never taller than when you stand up for yourself.

Why fear the unknown when you can conquer it?

Touch the untouchable. Break the unbreakable.

Die trying or try dying.

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