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I was walking next to John, my brother with my french vanilla coffee in hand when we nearly got run over by a grey car. John put a protective arm on my chest, making me stop, but he continued forcing the car to stop. That move from my brother also caused me to spill a little bit of my hot beverage.

"John! Fucking hell! Look what you did!" I exclaimed.

"Would you prefer to be run over by a fucking car, B?" he retorted sarcastically.

"Well, no, but the car stopped anyway!" I argued.

He didn't reply and just continued his way to the oh so wonderful school we attend. Not for a normal day of learning, no, for a freaking saturday detention! 

We entered the library, where the detention was being held and I looked at the people here, Claire, a popular girl, Andrew, a jock, and then I froze. I catch up to John who's already almost at our usual table. 

"You didn't tell me he would be there!" I whispered harshly in my brother's ear.

"Who?" he questioned.

I looked at the guy sitting at our table then back to John.

"The nerd? B, why would I tell you if that guy is in detention? And how should I know who's coming here any fucking way, huh?"

He had a point, but I ignored him and went to sit next to Brian, my crush. He gave me an awkward smile that I returned with a small blush on my cheeks... this boy is so cute!

John glanced at Brian, then at me and at Brian again before motioning to the guy next to me to change seats. After my brother took his place, Allison, who is considered the basket case of the school, came in and went at the back corner table. Allison and I have art together and let me tell you, she is so talented! We talk sometimes, but rarely since I spend most of the time with my brother and his friends.

Vernon, the stupid vice-principal, entered the library and looked all of us with a superior look on his face before speaking up. "Well, well... Here we are! I want to congratulate you for being on time..."

After his little 'Congratulation, you're not completly retarded, you're able to be on time' speech, Claire raised her hand and started talking to Vernon. "Excuse me, sir? I think there's been a mistake. I know it's detention, but... um... I don't think I belong in here..."

"Claire, you're not helping your case, sweetie by saying that..." I said with a small smile.

"It is now seven-oh-six," Vernon continued, ignoring the popular girl, "You have exactly eight hours and fifty-four minutes to think about why you're here. To ponder the error of your ways..."

I huffed and got my walkman out of my bag. I checked the audio cassette inside, 'AC/DC & Simple Minds'... Good enough. I started the tape and drummed to the beat of 'Highway to Hell' on the table until Dick came and stopped my walkman. "And you will not listen or make any music!" 

I glared at him, but he just ignored me and continued talking. " We are going to write an essay of no less than a thousand words, describing to me who you think you are." 

"Is this a test?" my brother asked.

"I don't think he has the right to give us a test in detention... He'll probably throw away our paper as soon as this detention is over." I answered, "I mean, that's what my sixth grade english teacher did..." I added.

The vice-principal ignored us and just passed some paper with pencils. 

"And when I say essay... I mean essay. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times. Is that clear Mr. Bender? And Bender Junior?"

"Crystal." John said.

"We're twins! And I was born first, by the way!" I protested.

"And I don't care, by the way, missy." he spat. "Anyway, maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself. Maybe you'll even decide whether or not you care to return."

"So you could have a saturday off? No fucking way, Rich!" I laughed.

While I was making my comment, Brian got up.

"You know, I can answer that right now, sir... That'd be 'no', no for me, 'cause..." he started, making me laugh a bit.

"Sit down Johnson." Vernon spat.

"Rude much?" I commented.

"You want another detention?"

"Nah, I'm good." I replied with a sarcastic smile.

"Well, too bad, you come here again next saturday."

"Oh, joy." 

He glared at me and started talking to everybody else. "My office... is right across that hall. Any monkey business is ill-advised... Any questions?"

"Yeah, I got a question." my brother spoke up.

That should be really interesting.

"Does Barry Manilow know you rade his wardrobe?" 

At that moment, I started laughing my ass off. John is so funny when he screw around like that! 

"I'll give you the answer to that question, Mr. Bender, next saturday. Don't mess with the bull young man, you'll get the horns." 

"Oh, c'mon, Dick! It was just a joke!" I tried to defend my brother.

"That's one more detention for you, Bender Junior." he said before leaving.

"I'm the older!" I yelled just before the vice-principal exits the room.


AAAAAANNNNND another Breakfast Club fanfic!!! :D I'm so excited for this :DDD I'm trying to change her personality and all, I don't want her to be like my other OC (The flirt) and even if she's Bender's twin, I don't want her to be exactly like him...(: 

Anyway, hope you'll like it, vote, comment, whatevs, just enjoy this book hahah:)

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