First impressions count

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Hi,  so I do apologize for any spelling mistakes, thank you for clicking on this to read😀 I would love it if you could check out my profile, it has my other story's on it if you like this one. I hope you like this...

His blond hair skimmed the water surface as he handed a small, Wight stone to her,

"You dropped this." Reaching out to get it, he handed it to her,

"Oh, thank you, my name is dove, well that's what people call me." She smiled as he replied,

"I'm Legolas."  The grey of her eyes stared into his seemly endless blue ones, was this who dove thought it was,

"LEGOLAS! Umm aren't you the kings son?"

"Maybe." He smirked, Dove gave out a half sigh half laugh,

"Well your definitely not what I expected  as a prince."

"Is that good or bad?"

"I don't know yet."

"Ok, so you doing anything right now?"

"No, why?"

"Can you shoot an arrow?"

"Yes..." A bow and a quiver of sharp arrows landed in her hand, Legolas had thrown them to her. Dove had see many bows in her life but this was of good make, the wood was smooth and glossed and the caving was so intricately done. 

  "Its from the palace its yours now, come on." He led her to a small clearing in a nearby forest, the sent of trees filled her nose. Notting in all of the trees, Dove pulled back her luscious, brown hair and tried to catch up with Legolas who was not having the same trouble despite having the same amount of hair. He sat down at a small river bank, Dove sat next to him so confused, this was the prince of Mirkwood,

"So what now?"

"Well we wait till a fish swims past and presto, lunch!" Dove looked at him, this was going to be starting a long friendship...

900 years later

"No matter how hard you try, your just not funny." Dove shock her head, holding in all of her laughter. Legolas knew she was holding it in so he surrender the battle, the who can make the other one laugh first battle. He tried one last time,

"Fine then, I give up. I mean since I am the price I might as well behead you now." Dove gave in and let all of it out.

"I win!" He boasted triumphantly. They were sat on Legolas' bed cross legged facing each other, they really were the best of friends. The door crashed open and a guard burst in,

"I found him," Legolas and Dove just stared.

"Your highness, we were looking for you every were."  The guard entered the room, Legolas didn't know what was going on, 


"Your father wishes to see you and you know how he doesn't like to wait."


Legolas and dove ran through the halls, leaving muddy footprints on the wooden floor. The throne room was grand, surrounded by a circle of oak pillars, beautifully hand caved and a large throne sat in the middle of a small pile of stairs.  Two big moose antlers hung above the glorious seat, a tall elf sat on it, he resembled Legolas and wore a crown of berries, King Thranduil of Mirkwood,

"So you finally arrived, must that commoner girl always accompany you?"

Dove took a few  steps back before she was stopped by Legolas,

"Yes, whatever I can hear she can to."

"Fine, The one ring has been found, it is carried by a hobbit. I wish to send you to Lord Elrond of Rivendell in three days, Just you my son."

"I can not leave dove here, I can not go."

"You have no choice, You must go and you must go alone." 

The prince stormed out closely followed by dove, he had made it up to his room, he was putting on his ridding boots and had a bow over his shoulder, dove looked at him in despair,

"What are you doing?"

"If he wants me to go to Rivendell I will, with you."

"But we leave in three days and Thranduil will never let me go with you."

"That's the point, we leave now and he cant stop you." Dove didn't know what to say, her head was spinning round, would they get caught? She stayed silent, Legolas still packing thing into his small bag,

"Iv got lembas bread and extra clothing, our bows are on my bed and you have you daggers, come on." Dove picked up the Bows and arrows, subconsciously following him to the stables . A beautiful Wight stallion stood there, Legolas smiled, he mounted the horse and then told Dove to join him, she did. They started to ride through the forest of Mirkwood to the exit when Legolas heard something, it was coming from the trees, a giant spider had been awoken by the galloping.  It came closer but all of the sudden, its eyes staring into theirs but just as dove pulled out her shining daggers an arrow flew straight into it and kill the beast, Legolas was worried that they would be caught so pulled on the horses reins and the animal ran as fast as it could the shooter in the distance. The elf who had killed the spider followed the others till they had reached a river, they could get across but they had to walk the horse. The mysterious elf had caught up, he was tall and had a head of brown hair, his black horse whinnying to go further,

"Why do leave the borders of Mirkwood?"

"Well maybe that's our business." Dove said, she wasn't sure what he was going to do or if he could send them back. Grabbing the reins of the horse she was on it ran through the water and continued on its was with Legolas and dove, Legolas thanked her wondering why he didn't just do that,

"well we need to keep up this pace if we don't want to see him again." She replied, her heat beating like the drums of war. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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