Chapter 6: A Unique Reward

Start from the beginning

"What's the Cozy Pit?" Jhin said, making the boy snap out of his trance.

His face turned pink for a moment before saying,"It's the highest and most expensive treatment that we offer here."

Jhin chuckled a bit."It's obviously more than that I can see." Before Ethan could reply, the door Boa went in swung open, revealing her in a linen robe. She beckoned them to her, leading them into a large room with multiple chairs, stools, and tables.

Before they started anything, Boa gave them each a flute of champagne, which tasted better than Jhin had thought. Ethan only sipped it, as he looked to be disgusted by the taste of it. Boa then led Jhin first to a table, where he laid down facing up. She dipped a washcloth in lukewarm water, and massaged it into Jhin's face. It was paired with some herbal moisturizer, which made the sensation feel even better. It was great to have his pore cleaned out, each product she put on his face getting better and better. Finally when they were done, Boa led him to chair with a barrel of water at the foot, steam rising from it. Jhin gingerly sat down, his achy feet relaxing in the water. She took her time washing his feet, getting all the dirt cleaned out. Jhin noticed how careful yet firm she was, as she probably had mastered the craft. Boa went to his fingers next and did the same thing, manicuring them wonderfully. After they finished that, Jhin was seated down where Ethan sat, and he watched as she did the same to him, although quicker and sloppier. His expression though was still pure bliss.

As Jhin sat there watching, he realized it hadn't been years since he last treated himself like this. The only pleasure or peacefulness he got was from his masterpieces, which took a lot of time and effort, making him even more tired afterwards. This though seemed to relieve him of the years of soreness and hard work, as Boa was more skilled than she seemed. He closed his eyes, feeling how relaxed his whole body felt. Steam filled his lungs, and each breath he took seemed to relax him even more. He was awaken from this however when Boa lightly tapped him with her finger.

"Time to move on," she said in a sweet, yet clean-cut voice. He lifted himself up from the chair, not needing to stretch his muscles as they were already calm. Jhin peered at Ethan who looked to be lost on his own head, a deluded look on his face. They three walked into the next room, were two long tables stood. Boa pushed Ethan into the next room after that, where she told him to wait until they were finished.

After they were alone, Boa said,"You may now disrobe. When you are done please lay face down over the table and cover your lower half with this towel." She handed him a white towel which matched his robe. She turned around, her back to Jhin, trying to supply some sort of privacy. He walked behind a room divider, which was decorated with the same gold and silver waterfall on the front door.

Jhin hesitated before letting his robe fall off himself, remember it was not the first time he'd been naked with a girl in the room. Even though it was just a massage, Jhin hated feeling so exposed. He had always needed cover, something warm and homely, like his mask, which he had learned to live without if needed. He walked from out behind the room divider and laid down on the table, his neck pressing into a pillow as his face hung off the edge. Placing the towel over his rear end, he made sure of not to expose anything.

When he was finally done he said,"I'm ready." She whipped around as if on command and approached him, looking down onto his sweaty back. Boa placed her soft hands on his back, making Jhin jump a little from the sudden contact. She started rubbing and massaging his muscles, making sure each one was thoroughly kneaded. It was so calming to Jhin as the relaxing sensations rippled through his bare back and shoulders. Surprisingly, the massage ended shortly, with Jhin dressing in his robe again, slightly unsatisfied. Boa smiled once again, her eyeliner and other makeup slightly runny from all the steam that poured in from the next room. She opened to door to it, which Jhin recognized as a sauna, although it was only slightly warm. Ethan was already sitting down on a bright purple cushion, watching a candle flame. He smiled as Jhin walked in, Boa closing the door behind him. He sat down across the room from the boy, trying to put as much space as he could between them. He closed his eyes once more and drifted into a peaceful thought.

After about ten minutes, the door opened to reveal Boa, although in much different clothing than before. Her clothes were much thinner and more see through, showing a scandalous black bikini underneath which vocal pointed her breasts. She had reapplied her makeup, looking more sensual than before. Ethan's eye widened and his face turned bright red at Boa's demeanor. Her cat like eyes fell on Jhin and she slowly walked to him, hips swaying in a seductive tone. When she reached him she started swaying and shaking in front of him, trying to get some sort of reaction out of him. Not after a second she started, Jhin laid a hand on her shoulder, mustering up the best warm smile he could.

"No thank you," he said, pushing her away a bit. She looked slightly confused, but gracious at the same time. It was obvious it was all just an act she was portraying.

"Thank you..." she coughed under her breath, wrapping a robe around herself."It's a, uh, required thing for this treatment. Honestly, I hate-"

"No thank you either," Jhin said, holding up a hand to stop her talking. He didn't want nor need an explanation. She quickly nodded then took a seat a ways a way, getting into her own peaceful state. Jhin quickly slipped into his thoughts again, thinking about what had happened.

When it came to girls and sex he was never one for it. He found no joy out of it, just biological pleasure at most. He knew many girls and prostitutes who had hit on him, but he always found a way out of it. It was too risky, messy, and time wasting to have some stranger pleasure him, and it wasn't worth the sensation either. Once again, Jhin found "pleasure" on a whole different level during his performances. The ecstasy they provided was otherworldly, that no intercourse let alone person could match that feeling.

It took him a while, but finally he cleared all the thoughts from his head. He was just happy to relax and finally get some rest...

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