Chapter Five

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Courtney's face went pale as she picked up the stick.



This couldn't be happening.

She felt her heart rate speed up and her hands began to shake.

"Courtney? You okay?"

She tried to hide her cries, "Yeah." She choked out.

Duncan opened the door, knowing something was wrong.

She rushed into his arms, unable to keep her cries hidden any longer.

She was a mother now.


"You're pregnant." The doctor smiled.

Courtney looked at Duncan who was squeezing her hand.

She noticed how pale his face was, but she didn't exactly know what to say.

He looked at her, "We're gonna be parents."

She got teary eyed, a mixture between sadness and happiness.

They were keeping the pregnancy a secret, since she was only 4 weeks along.

And because they had only been together for seven months, not even engaged.

Courtney sat at the dinner table and flipped through the pregnancy brochures as Duncan walked through the door, coming home from work.

She noticed he had something in his hand, which was covered in grease.

"Hey!" She said as he walked over and kissed her.

"Hey princess, how was work?"

Courtney shrugged, "Same as always, what's that?"

Duncan took a deep breath and sat next to her, grabbing her hand.

"We're gonna be parents soon. And I want the best for our baby."

Courtney felt her cheeks get red, "Are your proposing?"

Duncan chuckled, "No, not yet at least. This is a promise ring, I know it's cheesy but it's for us to promise to be everything our baby needs."

Courtney smiled as she slid the ring on her finger, "I love you."

Duncan continued to hold her other hand, "I love you too."

Courtney laid on her back as Duncan talked to her stomach, "Hey peanut. I don't know if you're listening, but i'm gonna sing some old rock songs to you so when you come out, you know every song by Aerosmith."

Courtney laughed as she watched him sing to her small, not noticeable baby bump.

They were gonna be parents.

And everything was perfect.

"I'm seven weeks and I still haven't had morning sickness, is that normal?"

The doctor reassured her, "Every woman is different, your baby is perfectly healthy, no need to worry."

Courtney nodded, she was right.

Everything was fine.

Courtney woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, "Something's wrong."

Duncan turned over and sat up, "What's wrong? Is it the baby?"

Courtney shook her head, "I think I have a fever."

She was freezing, yet she was sweating so much.

Duncan got up and got her water and some advil.

"Take this."

Courtney shook her head while shivering, "I can't. It's not safe for the baby."

Duncan rolled his eyes, "If you're sick so is this baby, take it."

Courtney held her hand out and then swallowed the pill. 

But it was okay.

Because everything was fine.

She got out of the shower, stumbling.

"Just the heat." She thought.

As she walked into the bedroom and began to grab a t shirt, she fell back a little.

Thankfully, she caught herself before falling and hitting her head on the dresser.

She was extremely light headed, but it was just the heat from the shower.


As she hung her towel up on the bathroom door, she felt as if she was going to vomit.

She walked back into her bedroom to lay down, and it was almost on cue when she fainted.

Courtney sat at the dinner table and held her stomach as Duncan stood over the stove and cooked.

"Something isn't right."

Duncan furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Courtney continued to hold her stomach, "Something isn't right about the baby, Duncan."

He took a break from stirring the pasta and walked over to her, placing a hand on her cheek.

"Don't say that. Everything is fine, our little peanut is okay."

Courtney nodded, "Yeah..."

Even though she knew something wasn't right, everything was fine.

"That's odd."

Courtney felt her heart stop.

"I'm not getting a heart beat."

She laid in his arms, sobbing.

He tried to hold back the tears, but he couldn't.

Anyone nearby would think she was being murdered, because of her loud sobbing.

Duncan rocked her back and forth as he stared at the sonogram across the room.

Tears rolled down his cheeks.

Everything was fine.


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