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       Dearest Nikita

Ever since our departure it seems the world has been switched to a pause mood. Nothing is happening and I only sulk around like a zombie. Sometimes my own room looks like a prison to me and I cry tears of a broken dam. I am frustrated. I clench and unclench my fist but my nerves do not calm down. I bite my lower lip and it only bleed. I conclude its loneliness because it's so obvious that I'm missing you. If you were here, you would have understood. But you are not and only a deep spreading void is created. I tried drowning my tears in the curtains of rain but it flown back through my window causing more frustration. If you were with me, you would have comforted me. How I wished I had stayed, how much I wished ...

i miss you a lot!

                                         love, Hertty

       Dearest Nikita

Today at the first peep of the sun-rays, I grinned. I went outside to allow the sun to kiss my face though I would have loved a good swim in the river if I were home. But I missed the sun a lot and it was like shedding my sack of gloomy cloth. It reminded me of the snake we saw shedding its skin in the woods.

Are you ok? I am myself and it feels good to be in school only I wished you were with me, but I know you've got your own school to attend. Soon I'm going to make new friends and I'm scared I will forget you which I can't afford to. Without you here, it's hard to even smile but your own laughter rings in my head and I laugh with it. It's like a melodious music that never stops playing. Are you making the music? Please don't stop...please.

Be safe Nik!

                                         love, Hertty

Dearest Hertty,

Today it rained cats and dogs and I got terrified when the lightning flashed and thunder roared.

I thought of you and how you would sing to calm me down...

"Hush little baby; don't say a word. Mama's going to buy you a big teddy bear. It will give you hugs and keep you safe, it will give you warmth and never leave you...."

Then I got relaxed. It was just a rain quenching the thirsty earth.

The farmers leaped around the fire and rejoiced. They will have a bumper harvest again this year with the crops sprouting already. There would be enough to feed even the ants!

How are you little friend? I'm in good fate and so is everybody at home. My school is good and I'm also making new friends. I can understand your fear of losing each other but remember the poem your Grams told us. Hertty making new friends could be very boring! You always have this urge to impress them but you know deep within you are just pretending. Is nothing like our friendship but I'm hanging on, hoping not to step on someone else's toes. You know how I how I hate to quarrel.

School is good but boring without you.

Love, Hertty.

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