The Date of the event

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The day was April 29th, 2017 at 10:00 am.  I made homemade pancakes.  I went to turn back on the circuit  breaker for the living room which the box is in the basement.  I flipped the switch back on and the thing flipped itself off.  So I tried again.  Failed.  So me being smart tried for a third time, but then I heard a sound from the box.  Before we knew it I was running out of our house.  We went out of the house and I watched the curtain on fire and then the bay window blew up and the fire spread form the living room to the dining room and the kitchen.  So my sisters and I ran to our neighbors house and I was having problems breathing because I was in shock but I did not tell my mom.  The Fire Marshall came that evening, he ruled it electrical.  Sometimes I still blame myself even though the house was 40 years old mixed with newer appliances.  We are all safe and that is a good takeaway to end this story.

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