The Right Path!

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Arnav POV
Sitting in my cabin, with a desktop in mind was somewhere else though. I dont know why but since last night I am feeling very restless. Things are fine for now. I mean due to Pari's arrival in the family, things kind of fell into place. Everyone in Parilok is at peace now. And even I feel content talking to Khushi these days. I cannot expect anything more from her right now. She is trying to find herself. A fluttering butterfly experimenting with life...trying to find the right path for herself. And I can say it with pride that my lady is getting settled in her career. She is doing something that she enjoys whole-heartedly.

Then why am I feeling so weird. Is something about to happen....but if thats the case then what is it?
I was trying to analize my emotions when my train of thought was interrupted by the shrilling of my phone. The caller id stated Khushi. I quickly gathered myself and answered her call.

"Hi Khushi.." I sighed.

"Hi are you today?" She replied.

"I am fine...what about you?" I asked.

"I am not fine Arnavji...I need your help." She said softly.

"What?!!?...what is it Khushi...tell me? Should I come to Lucknow? Say something...damn it!!!...Why are you so quiet? Talk to me Khushi.." I was desperate now.

"Shhh...calm down. Take a deep breath. I am fine. Relax Arnavji, when I said I need your help, I meant I need my friend. Just like you needed me when you were upset about Di, remember." She said. Her words made me calm down to some extent. But when it comes to her I always loose my temper.

"I am calm now. You can share your doubts with me Khushi." I stated.

"Arnavji, if you are not so busy. Can you come to your conference room?"

I could not comprehend her words. When she says conference she AR Designs right now?!?!?

" you.." I stammered like a fool.

"Arnavji, I am the conference room upstairs. Will you please come?" She asked again.

"I am coming Khushi...I am coming." With those words I rushed to the conference room. Knowing very well that the office would be empty at this time. Everyone had already left since office hours were over long ago. It was only me who as usual worked late to keep myself occupied.

I dashed to the room. I opened the door with utmost urgency. Needing to see the proof of her presence. And there she was. Dressed in pink and white. My butterfly. Why was she here all of a sudden? Is everything alright? What was wrong with her? I needed so many answers.

" are here?" I asked like an idiot.

"I am here Arnavji. I am here." She said softly.

Khushi POV
I reached Arnavji's office and waited in the conference for him. This was the only place where I could reach him so quickly. He entered the room is a rush, looking so eager to see me. In his usual black suit, he still managed to mermerise me.

"I am here Arnavji. I am here." She said softly.

"Khushi...when did you come to Delhi? I could have picked you up? Why did you not tell me?" I questioned her.

I walked towards him and held his hard hands in my soft ones. I dragged me towards the sofa seat and he followed, too baffled to say anything. I kept staring at him. And his gaze never faltered. Not knowing what was going on. But his eyes were speaking volumes right now.

"Arnavji....I never had a genuine friend before. You made me understand how having a trustworthy friend can make you more confident in life. Knowing that I have someone who will be there for me no matter what. So here I I am to ask you something. And I need your answer." I explained slowly.

"Ofcourse Khushi. You can always trust me, infact it was you who taught me the importance of trust and communication. I am here for you always. Tell me how can I help?" He asked.

"Initially when I met you. We never clicked. Hatred and angst was always present between us. But at times I could see a glimpse of the Arnav within you, the mighty Asr. At Diwali night I expected your confession. But something changed. You were back to your Asr-ish ways. Moreover, my engagement pushed you back to the same Arnav Singh Raizada that you once were. During Jeeji's wedding rituals I saw a change in you. My Arnavji came out often to play. I liked him a lot. Infact, I loved him. Yet again on Payash wedding I expected your confession. I wanted to know about your feelings for me. However, everything changed for me that night.
My dream wedding turned into a contract marriage. Pain and hurt replaced my happiness and joy. And till the day you announced the reason for our sudden wedding I felt so heartbroken. I craved for your love while you hated my presence in your life so much.
And the day you gave away the reason for our contract deal my heart shattered into million pieces. My entire being turned numb from so much pain.
But then you spoke to me for the first time about your feelings. You expressed your guilt. You hurt yourself too. You killed ASR for me there and then. You explained everyone who was exactly guilty out of the two of us. You told everyone about the contract. You got slapped. You were accused. You were left alone by all. You once again returned me my Arnavji. I left you, to clear my mind from all the pain and hurt and you respected my decision. There was no manipulation. You never ordered me anymore. Even when we met in Lucknow my well-being became your priority.
You offered me your friendship. Without asking anything in return. And because of you I started smiling again. But Arnavji, even after becoming independent and being away from all this mess I was unable to find my happiness. I kept questioning myself. And one fine day I got my answer."

"Khushi...I...I dont know what to say...I.." he stuttered with so much emotions in his voice.

"Arnavji, you said you are my friend. Then tell me what should I do? For me happiness means you. Your presence in my life, is all that I need. Your love is my strength. Khushi ki Khushi hai...uske Arnavji.(Khushi's happiness is her Arnavji)......Will you tell me how should I solve my problem?" I asked with tear filled eyes.

My words brought tears in his eyes. Two tears rolled down from those cocoa orbs. I wanted to wipe those tears but his hold on my hands was strong this time. After taking a long breath, he opened his eyes with new determination.
He got up from the sofa without leaving my hands and kneeled in front of me. His eyes never leaving mine.

Arnav POV
My angel, my Khushi...was here. She bared her heart to me today. She came to me. Asking her friend, to resolve her confusion. For a long while I kept mum. Had god actually granted me my wish?Do I deserve to be with her?Is there any end to her brave heart and kindness?
And under all these questions a few words said by another pure soul came back to my mind. "If anytime you find true love in your life...dont let it go ASR." Thank you Lavanya. Thank you. And determination filled my mind.
Kneeling beside her with a wise grip on her hands. I confessed what she wanted to hear from me.

"Neither on Diwali nor on Payash wedding, I said these words. But today I will say them. I want to be selfish Khushi Kumari Gupta. I once again want to be selfish. I am not you. I cannot make sacrifices. That was never me. Your Arnavji, needs you much. Forgive me for all my wrong doings and  I promise to make up for all my sins by keeping you happy for the rest our lives. Dont go away from me, not now, not ever. I Arnav Singh Raizada is in love with you. Totally. Miserably. Passionately. Possessively. There are no words for this love. Take away my loneliness. Fill it with your bubbly chirpy self. Have your silly fights with me. Make this arrogant fool a sweetheart with your love. I promise to make Jalebis with you for the rest of our lives. Marry me Khushi Kumari Gupta. That is my advice. Accept it or reject it, this time for life."
With bated breath I waited for my love's answer. Praying to Khushi's Devi Maiyya to help me.

She kneeled down along with me. Leaving my hands she held my face, wiped my tears and laughed with teary eyes. In her Khushi style she said....
"Be ready then Mr. Raizada....I will make you cry What the What the...for the rest of our lives."

And in that moment we laughed. Laughed to the content of our hearts. Hugging each other. Finding solace in each others arms. With the promise of making new memories.

I hope I did justice to the confession part. Waiting for your comments readers. Fyi, the story is not over yet. Still 2 or 3 chapters to go.

The Moment of Truth!!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz