Chapter One

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Chapter One: 
(Warning. You know what I mean. )

"I told you not to come with me." Krist said while he is waiting for that someone.

Actually, he is just waiting for their friend, Newwie to buy something he need.

"Newwie and I will just buy something. You can go home now." Krist still insisting to send Singto home.

"Why do you really want to send me home? Don't you want to be with me?" Singto acted as if he was hurt. His facial expression shows as if he was really REALLY hurt.

"Whatever, you do whatever you like."

Without any choice at all, Krist let Singto followed him. He texted Newwie not to come anymore because of this little shit that is insisting to go with him.

Newwie said okay as a reply.

Without anything to do. Krist started walking and, of course, this little demon behind him follows.

While walking Krist is looking and observing how beautiful the day is. It is sunny today, the weather is so fine, the sky is so clear and you can hear the birds singing. What a perfect day to be ruined by this... ugh!

The devil in his back poked his waist and said "Hey, where we are exactly going?"

"MY home. I am going home." Krist answered.

"What?! I thought you will meet Newwie today?"

"I cancelled it out. I don't feel like going out anymore." He answered lazily.

"Okay then, I'll go with you, let me sleep in your house. Let's go since we are almost there. " and Singto lead the way to Krist's home.

"Hey wake up! Time to go to work." My talking alarm clock rang. I get up to get ready to work.

August 15, 2017 it's been 4 years already.

Doing my usual routine, I cook for my own breakfast, took a bath and went to work.

Starting my car, I noticed that the sky is so dark. It'll rain for sure. What a great timing. Maybe life is playing with me.

As I drive my car, the rain started to fall, and again, memories from before came to me like a flood.

"Fine, stay here. Don't touch my stuffs. I'll just go to buy something in the convenience store. You can take a bath and take your extra clothes there inside my closet." Krist said without a pause. Yes, you read it right. Singto has extras in Krist's closet. They are friends for how long, and they are like family now.

Singto replied with an Okay and headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

Meanwhile while taking a shower. Krist went out to buys something he needs. He really need that necklace. Yes, a necklace for Singto's birthday. He knew that Singto wants that necklace and he will give to him as a birthday present that's why he don't want Singto tag along with Newwie and him.

Krist bought the necklace, and said to the receptionist that he'll get it the next day. Krist thought that it is the best to not bring it home because Singto may see it.

As he went home. He bought some snack in the convenience store. Upon entering his home he was greeted by his mom.

"Son, what do you want for dinner?" her mom asked.

"Anything is fine Mom." he answered.

"How about Singto?" he replied.

"It's okay auntie, I'll eat anything you will cook. Don't you know how good you are in cookin? No matter what it is, I'll eat it." Singto shouted from Krist's room.

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