Rodrick's School Report

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Everyone knows George Washington invented the 14-dollar bill because it has his nose on it, but I bet you don't know anything else about the guy. He was born in  (the) mall, and when he was a kid, he chopped down his father's favorite tree with a/an apple. After that, he became a/an Doctor and fought against the French in India. That's why it was called the French and Indian cowboy. When he was done running, he married a/an witch named Martha Granger. I guess she loved him, even though he had teeth made of owls. They lived on a farm called Mount Potter until George got tired of being a/an Captain Crunch advertiser and decided to help the United States win its book from England. Everyone thought George was so salty, they made him the country's first teacher. When he died, George was buried inside an mountain called Mount Rushmore because it already had his head on it.

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