Chapter 5

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Two days later

Jacob and Micheal sat on a burgundy couch in Jacob's slightly disorganized living room but the mess didn't mind them much as they were both encaptured in a meaningful conversation.

"Jacob, you don't know how much he pisses me off. It's like he thinks he's immortal or some shit, like he can do no wrong, knowing he's the cause of all the problems I have in my life." Micheal ranted.

"I mean, I gave him everything: my love, my trust, a child, but it seems like nothing is enough. I'm done with feeling like I can't do anything right. I'm done with him." Micheal continued.

"Micheal, you don't need somebody who doesn't recognize your beauty. You need someone who can love you like you want to be loved." Jacob spoke.

"I don't think imma find that person anytime soon." Micheal sighed.

"Don't be like that. Everybody got somebody out there for them, like you got Elijah and I got Chres." Jacob replied optimistically.

"It's not the same. Elijah is Elijah and he pisses me off." Micheal dismissed.

"You think Santo don't get on my nerves? He's always in my ear. Do this, do that- it gets annoying." Jacob groaned.

"Why do you stay with him then?" Micheal asked.

"I don't know sometimes. I love him but sometimes he's does too much." Jacob shrugged.

"Is the sex good?" Micheal inquired.

"Why you wanna know?" Jacob questioned.

"I kinda forgot how good it felt and I want to remember again." Micheal whispered.

"Micheal, I'm not doing this with you. You've already came on to me five times since you been here. You may be my friend and I want you to have a safe place for you and your daughter to sleep but I refuse to keep doing this with you, Micheal." Jacob rambled, standing up from his seat on the couch.

"C'mon, Jacob. Its not going to hurt anybody if we-" Micheal started.

"No, it will hurt. It'll hurt Chres and my unborn son and I promised myself I would never do anything to hurt them and I won't." Jacob proclaimed before he left the room.

"Why does every man I have feelings for have to be so difficult?" Micheal sighed to himself.

Loud cries erupted from upstairs, and, in response, Micheal hopped up from his seat on the couch and hurried upstairs to his room. Once we got in the room, his worry was slightly relieved once he saw the noise was only Amiyah laying on his bed, crying her little eyes out from being woken up.

Micheal picked her up quickly and began to cooed her back to sleep.

Simultaneously, Chresanto walked in the room seconds later, worry sketched tightly on his face.

"Is everything okay?" Chresanto asked.

"Yeah, she's just being a little difficult. That's all." Micheal replied, rocking Amiyah lightly in his arms.

"You two are so cute. I can't wait to finally meet this little one. I'll make sure nothing happens to him and me and Jacob will love and protect him with all our hearts. " Chresanto rambled as he caressed his large stomach.

Micheal watched as Chresanto continued to coo at his stomach.

"Chres, baby. Where are you?" Jacob called from the hallway.

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