Personality Cards-Part 9: Leena Tom Thumb

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I find drawing Rose's hair really fun lol, Idk why, then again, I've always just liked drawing long hair overall... Welp, anyways, to the short story!

Leena Tom Thumb

I struggled to get up high enough to get a good look at the cards until I heard a voice next to me

"Umm... Need help?" I looked to my right and my head was almost looking straight up, I saw the new student, Petal Rabbit, and her long bunny ears (Petal is actually a pretty tall person, 5 ft 10 inches, almost 6 ft),

"Erm... Help would be nice, I suppose" I said, and in comparison to her voice I noticed my voice was rather squeaky

"Alright, give me a second" Petal said as she walked off, to be honest when she first offered to help I thought she was offering to pick me up so I could see better but when she came back... I was surprised

"Here you go!' Petal said happily as she put a stool on the floor

"Thanks, Petal" I said as I stepped up the stool and got a good look at all of the cards and I grabbed one that was a mushroom picture and I stepped off the stool and walked off as I began reading

You are adventurous and brave, you enjoy trying new things and you're not ashamed of your physical flaws whatsoever, as you always try to look on the bright side of things, and overall, you'd be described as a good friend.

As I finished reading I kind of felt happy with the card I chose, and I decided to wait a bit for the activity to end

Personality Cards-A Regal Academy Short Story/FanficWhere stories live. Discover now