Personality Cards-Part 8: Joy LeFrog

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I have a problem.

I ship Joy with Gerald.

But I also ship Gerald with Odette.


Joy LeFrog:

Oooh! Cool! So according to Rose this is like a Personality test from earth!
So, I went over to the table and saw a wide variety of cards when I saw a smiley face emoji
(A/N yeaaahh... Totally creative
Mirror Muffin: Not
Me: It's called sarcasm!)

I opened it and began reading

You are a rather cheerful person overall, at least you try to appear so. You care for your friends and always attempt to view things in a positive light, you are loyal and you do your best to help people

As I finished reading I saw a fly come by...

I ate it :)

And everyone gave me grossed out looks

Oh well 😛

Thanks for reading~!

I'm not sure how many more parts there will be rn but I do plan on doing all the students in the series, but the thing is, I might do the teachers and villains :)

Tell me if you'd like the villains or teachers or both, k?


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