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She often wondered if she would be happy if she was perfect

If her skin smoothened out into a golden hue of perfection,

And her body slimmed and curved in all the right places

If her fingers were never bloody from stress

And her thoughts never wandered to the knife

She often wondered if she would be happy if she was perfect

If her anger never got the best of her

And her tongue never spat out scathing words

If her mind turned off every now and then

And her laughter was never stolen away by worry

But she knew she wouldn't be

Because no matter what she did or how she twisted it,

She was hard and cold

She was frozen

And she was addicted to the drug of it

I... have nothing interesting to put in my author's note. 

Uh... I love you guys?

What You Don't SeeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz