When I came out of my bedroom, someone grabbed me and pulled me in the direction of the living room.

"I'm guessing your 'job' is what made you late, and I'll ask you about that later, but right now, a very hot guy, who was also very late, is waiting for you," Piper said to me.

As we stood at the edge of the living room, I scanned the room looking for the guy Piper found for me. I saw Percy talking to Piper's boyfriend and waved when he looked at me. He smiled and winked which made me giggle.

"What's so funny?" Piper asked me.

"Nothing," I tore my gaze away from Percy and avoided Piper's stare.

"Which guy caught your eye?"


"You were totally checking out a guy just now. Don't lie to me. Who was it?"

I sighed and just said, "Just show me the guy I'm supposed to meet."

If Piper was annoyed that I avoided answering her question, she no longer showed it. She smiled and said, "Talking to Jason."

I looked back at Jason and saw he was still talking to Percy. Percy! Piper set me up with Percy! Before I could say anything, Piper made her way across the room to him, and I got nervous. What's she gonna do? She grabbed him by the arm. I was thinking I was through, but then he looked back at me, and suddenly I was helpless. Oh, look at those eyes! I looked into his eyes and the sky was the limit. I was so into him. I was down for the count and drowning in 'em.

Piper walked Percy towards me.

"Where are you taking me?" he asked.

She smirked and said, "I'm about to change your life."

Percy chuckled and replied, "Then by all means, lead the way."

Suddenly, Percy was in front of me. His shirt was so tight I could see his abs.

I couldn't think straight so I just stuck out my hand and said, "Annabeth Chase. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Percy looked at me a little confused.

Piper piped in. "My roommate and best friend."

"Thank you for meeting me."

"If it takes dealing with Piper for us to meet, it will have been worth it."

"I'll leave you to it!" Piper said as she walked away.

Percy smiled at me. "Did you know?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Well, that makes two of us."

We just smiled at each other for a minute before Percy asked, "Want some punch?"


Percy did finger guns and said, "I'll be right back."

I silently chuckled as he walked away. Then something caught my eye. Percy's jeans were really working for him. I enjoyed the view as he walked to the punch table. The view improved when he dropped a cup under the table and had to bend down and pick it up. When he came back with the punch, I appreciated how his front looked as good as the back.

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