Part 9

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Message From Sofia 💙

Sofia 💙: what's with you and Thomas?

Belle 🔔: Sofia, no.

Sofia 💙: I'm your best friend and you can't even tell me!

Belle 🔔: I'm sorry! I like him, but I don't want to do anything that would ruin our friendship and his still getting over Dove.

Sofia 💙: aww! I knew it!! And you wouldn't ruin it.

Belle 🔔: yes I would.

Sofia 💙: no you wouldn't. Don't you see the way he looks at you. He looks at you with love and that's something I never saw with Dove.

Belle 🔔: I don't know. And he's still getting over the break up too

Sofia 💙: did you not read what I sent! He's only doing it, because he wants you around more than before.

Belle 🔔: but why now? Why didn't he try this before he started dating Dove

Sofia 💙: because he didn't want to ruin your guys friendship.

Sofia 💙: all I'm going to tell you is no matter what happens he will always love you
Read: 4:56 A.M.

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