Bridgette laughed as she followed Courtney into the bathroom.

"Does this look bad?"

Courtney sat on Bridgette's couch and looked at the blonde's hair.

"Maybe you should put it up."

Bridgette groaned and walked back into the bathroom.

Courtney went back to watching tv, she couldn't believe how people could sit hours a day infront of a tv watching people doing every day things.

I hate reality tv.

Bridgette walked out again with her hair in a bun, "Is this good?"

Courtney smiled, "Yes! You look so good!"

Bridgette blushed and smiled, "Geoff should be back any minute now. I'm gonna go put on my shoes."

She walked back into her bedroom and Courtney checked her phone to see if Duncan had texted her.

No Notifications.

She sighed as she opened her phone and clicked on his contact to call him.


"Where are you? It's been two hours!"

"Hello? Can you hear me?"


"Haha just kidding. It's a voicemail. Get rekt, fucker."


Courtney angrily hung up the phone and tried to ignore her thoughts.

What if he got into an accident.

Or got pulled over.

What if he's back in jail, you know he was a criminal when he was a teenager.

What if he's in the hospital right now, praying for you to be beside him.


Courtney snapped out of her thoughts and looked up to find Bridgette holding a black choker.

"Should I wear this?"

Courtney nodded, "Yeah. Have you talked to Geoff?"

Bridgette shook her head, "No. Is everything okay?"

Courtney felt as if she was going to vomit.

She hated letting her thoughts get to her.

"Yeah everything's fine. It's just Duncan hasn't answered me so I didn't know."

Bridgette shrugged, "Whatever. They'll be here soon, I know it."

She walked back into the bedroom and Courtney felt her heart rate increase.

What if they're not.

Just like that, the front door opened.

"Babe! I'm back!"

Geoff walked into the apartment, with Duncan behind him.

Bridgette walked out and had her black purse already around her, "Hey! You ready to go?"

Geoff nodded and stared in awe at the beautiful girl before him, "You look so hot."

Bridgette wrapped her arms around him and smiled, "So do you baby."

As they were having their moment, Courtney stood up and practically ran to Duncan.

"Where have you been?"

She whispered yelled.

He gave her a confused look, "I told you Geoff and I were out getting shit for the party this weekend."

"Why didn't you answer your phone?"

Duncan shrugged, "I left it at the apartment by accident, remember?"

"We're gonna head out so we're not late, bye guys." Bridgette said as she walked out of the apartment with Geoff's hand on her ass.

Courtney walked closer to Duncan, "Do you know how worried I was?! Do you realize if something happened to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself?!"

Tears began to swell in her eyes, Courtney was never this emotional.

Probably just her period.

Duncan thought.

He pulled her in for a hug, "Im sorry princess. I didn't think it was that big of a deal."

Courtney began to sob, "I can't lose you."

Duncan hated seeing her hurt like this, but he didn't know what to do.

He did everything he could to make her realize he wasn't going anywhere, but even that wasn't enough.

Not only would she would break if she lost him, but he would too.

He didn't know how much he needed her till that night, the night that neither of them like to talk about.

He didn't realize how broken he would be without her, until that night.

If she only she knew.

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