Chapter 5: War

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Present Day

Viktor awoke to a shirt being thrown at his face by none other than his beloved Yuuri. It startled him, of course, putting him on edge for a moment until he saw who it was. Before he could ask what was going on, Yuuri spoke up.

"Get up. It's eleven."

Viktor almost thought he was back home with Yuuri four years ago. Yuuri would always throw his clothes at him if he wasn't up before nine. But it wasn't four years ago. They were in the present day, worrying about the state of their child.

Viktor quickly slid the shirt over his head, peeking over at Yuuri. His husband was dressed, his hair slightly damp from a shower. From the looks of it, he had just gotten out of the shower but he also looked like he hadn't slept at all, but he bit his lip from making the comment.

Yuuri left the room, Viktor following. They walked down the stairs and into the basement. It was just like it had been last night before they went to bed with everyone in the same positions as before. Otabek sat on the couch, Yuri standing beside the couch as he casually leaned against the wall. Phichit had seated himself in front of the computer monitors and Yuuri resting a hand against the desk. Viktor remained by the stairs.

"When's Chris landing?" Viktor asked them.

"Two," Yuri answered in a voice of disgust. "And you're coming with to pick him up."

Viktor gulped, glancing around at the others. Otabek looked to be sending him good luck and Phichit looked into his eyes as if he were saying 'this is what you get for leaving'. Yuuri had not reacted to the words, most likely somewhere lost in his thoughts.

"We leave in an hour," Yuri added. Viktor nodded.


There was a brief moment of heavy silence before Phichit broke it, lifting the mood a little.

"So I got ahold of Guang Hong around eight and asked him about the target. Apparently, they're not a gang or mafia, more like a secret society."

"Great..." Yuri mumbled. "How many of them are there?"

"Well over five thousand," Phichit said like it was nothing. "According to our friend, no one messes with them much these days, or if they do no one knows about it. They handle things more 'discreetly' you could say."

"Do they operate here? In Japan?" Viktor asked.

Phichit nodded. "Supposedly they have a small base set up in Tokyo. Musashino, Tokyo, to be exact, but no one's been able to pinpoint the base. I'll be looking into it later, of course, and finding it with my expert hacking skills." Phichit said, smirking to himself.

Yuuri rolled his eyes, as did everyone else.

"What about fighting style?"

"Older technique, for the most part. Yuuri, I suggest you bring that katana of yours as well are those knife throwing things."

"Kunai or shuriken?" he asked for clarification.

"Yes, those," he said, ignoring the rest of the question, "and Viktor, you go in with guns."

Viktor nodded. Yuri, who had been listening silently for awhile, spoke up.

"What about me?"

"Stick with your knives and a smaller type of gun. And only use it if it's a life or death situation."

Viktor glanced around the room, his eyes landing on Otabek who hadn't said a word this whole time.

"And what's your job, Otabek?"

Vile Acts *A Yuri!!! On Ice Mafia AU*Where stories live. Discover now