"Well, I'm hexcited. Another year of running student council, yearbook, AV club, and keeping up my honor roll streak as well." Evangeline said taking a bite of her green beans.

"You know sweetie, even though I'm Fairy proud of you for accomplishing so much, you must also make room to relax and have fun as well." Raven said feeding Estelle a spoonful of mashed potato.

"Yeah, you don't have to be in control of everything. Being cooped up in a computer room all day proves my point of you being a nerd." Ebony replied taunting her.

"You know, I was one of those people who worked in AV club Ebony." Dexter said raising a brow at her.

"My point hexactly." Ebony said gesturing Dad towards Evangeline. Dexter sighed as Raven shot Ebony a glare.

"Well, I can't wait to try to break Grimm's new wireless system this year. I installed a new decoding program on my laptop so sifting through the database should be easy." Evan said biting into a turkey leg.

"Do you have to break into the system? Why can't you just follow the rules, they are there for a reason!" Evangeline said.

"Well mom didn't follow the rules, she was the school's biggest rebel!" Evan rebutted. Evangeline rolled her eyes as Raven looked at all of them.

"I did it for different reasons, not to break into a wireless system. I did it so that I would have to follow my fate and thank my godmother I didn't or you guys wouldn't even be here today." Raven said feeding Estelle another bite of food.

"That's right, that's also what I liked most about her. She didn't just accept an awful story, she stood up to them and changed it." Dexter said backing her up. Raven and Dexter smiled at each other before sharing a quick kiss, much to their kid's dismay.

"I think your destiny was spelltacular. Being a wicked Evil Queen, cursing pretentious princesses, conquering lands, everything going by your terms..." Ebony said fiddling her food with her fork.

"I know that sounds fun to you now, but look at Grandma. She thought the same thing and look where it got her." Raven said. Ebony just chuckled.

"I plan to be better. Make no mistakes, plan everything out." She said with much confidence. Raven sighed as she continued to feed Estelle. Soon, a maid walked near the table but stopped 5 feet in front of Dexter before bowing her head quickly.

"King Dexter, Queen Raven, all of the children's stuff are packed for tomorrow." She said clearly and straight to the point.

"Thank you Selina." He said before she bowed again and walked off leaving the family to eat.

"Did Evangeline tell you that she is hexting a guy? Barker Huntsman." Evan said. Ebony's eyes widened as Dexter and Raven looked at her. Evangeline smirked.

"Really? Isn't he Hunter and Ashlynn's kid? I didn't know you two were dating..." Raven said slyly smiling. Dexter narrowed his eyes.

"It's not like that, right now we're just friends. Nothing has happened yet..." Ebony said trying to shut down the topic.

"Yet? Aren't you a little young to be thinking about boys anyways?" He said hoping that Ebony thought of Barker only as a friend. Ebony put her head down and groaned.

"You know sweetie, we started dating when we were only sixteen. I think it's nice she is seeing a guy." Raven said to her husband. Dexter scratched his goatee.

"Well not all guys were charming and respectable like I was." He said continuing to eat and talk with his mouth full. Ebony groaned again as Evangeline giggled.

"Now you sound like Uncle Daring." Evan said pointing his half eaten turkey leg at Dexter.

"Well anyways, I hope everything works out hon." Raven said to Ebony. She lifted her head up and sat up straight.

"Why is it that I get the interrogation from you guys for talking to a boy but Evan, the one with a girlfriend, you don't even bat an eye at?" Ebony asked as Evan looked up from his plate.

"It's different. Dads are proud of their sons getting girls but are protective of their daughters getting boys." Earnest remarked still playing his gaming device. Raven shot a quick spell transporting his game into her hand.

"No gaming devices at the table Earnest." Raven said as she tucked it away. Earnest groaned as he went back to eating.

"Me me your father will miss you three dearly, but I trust that you can handle yourselves this year." Raven said wiping up food off of Estelle's face.

"I rule the school, but computer dud and nerd spaz here will be shut in the computer room all year." Ebony replied checking her nails.

"Don't make fun of your siblings Ebony." Dexter said shooting a look at Ebony. She just rolled her eyes.

"Well, this was fun..." Ebony said as she scooted away from the table. Evan, Earnest, and Evangeline also scooted away.

"Yeah, I almost forgot to reorganize my files for all of my summer hextra credit assignments." Evangeline said as she ran up stairs.

"I need to make sure all the new software I installed is up to speed with my new router." Evan said as he ran past them.

"I just wanna go play my new games on the HexBox." Earnest said as he followed Ebony upstairs. Raven sighed.

"At least you're still here Estelle..." Raven said turning to her youngest, but she was passed out in her high chair. Dexter held her hand.

"They're growing up Raven, they are starting to fly away from the nest." He said turning to her.

"I feel like it was just yesterday I was taking Ebony home in her baby blanket, or teaching Evan how to walk and Evangeline how to talk. Now Earnest is starting EAH in 2 years Dex." She said look at Estelle, a little drool dribbling down to her chin.

"Time goes by fast, before you know it Estelle will be graduating high school." Dexter replied leaning over to wipe the drool off of Estelle's chin. Raven let her head fall into her hands.

"Don't remind me. I still can't believe I turn 38 this year. I'm so old." Raven said. Sure, she looked a bit older, more mature, body structure more defined, but nevertheless she was still beautiful. Dexter smiled and kissed her head.

"Well, you're ageless to me." He said. She smiled as she gave him a kiss. He always knew the right thing to say, it was in his name. Charming.

"Well, let's have the maids tidy this up. I think I need a bath to relax and ease my mind." Raven said standing up. Dexter stood up and pulled her closer to him.

"I will put Estelle to bed, I will be there to join you in a bit." He said smirking. She smiled as she walked upstairs towards their room, Dexter picking up Estelle in his arms and carrying her for a bit.

"I guess this would be a bad time to ask mommy for another baby huh?" He said as he bounced her a little. She grabbed lightly at his goatee which made him smile. He carried her up to her bedroom, placing her down in her crib. She made little noises as he put the blanket over her.

"Goodnight princess." He said as he kissed her forehead and turned off the lights before leaving the room. Their life was perfect, it was a true happily ever after.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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