Chapter 1

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It was September, a nice warm day all across the lands of Ever After. All was peaceful in the world as all of the students at EAH knew that school started in 2 Days.

In the Charming-Queen kingdom, much was going on in their castle. You could hear footsteps all around and bustling from every room. The servants were walking in each direction, helping the 2 princesses and prince pack for when they left tomorrow. One particular princess was hanging out in her room, dark indigo and jet black hair. Her hair half tied up with her tiara sitting on top, her dress covered by her dark indigo and black jacket with spikes in certain places. She sat up on her bed as she she typed on her phone, popping her gum as her eyes were glued to the screen. She was texting a certain someone that made her smile, and not the Evil or mischievous  smile she was known to often have. A knock was heard at her door.

"What do you want?" She yelled not even knowing who it was. Her sister, long dark brown locks with lavender eyes hiding behind cat eye glasses. She walked in and folded her arms.

"Ebony, you really need to work on your manners. What if that had been mom?" She said to her. Ebony rolled her eyes as she continued to text on her phone.

"Oh Evangeline, if that had been mom, she wouldn't have knocked. Now, what do you want nerd." She said smiling again at the text from her phone. Evangeline rolled her eyes. Ebony often referred to her as 'nerd', that was kind of her nickname from her wether she liked it or not.

"Mom and Dad wants us down for dinner, it's our last night before we head back to school. If you don't listen to me, then you deal with mom." She said. It wasn't that their mom was evil or even mean, she was a leader and very stern. She didn't take backtalk or resistance from her children. Ebony sighed and and sat up and turned off her phone.

"Whatever. Let's go." She said getting up and leaving the room with her sister. Evangeline and Ebony walked side by side in their wing of the castle as they headed down the west staircase.

"So, was that Barker you were hexting?" Evangeline said as she smirked. Ebony nudged her in the shoulder.

"Shut up. At least I'm starting something with a guy, who do you have? Books?" She said trying to get on her nerves but Evangeline smiled and shook her head.

"I'm too busy to hocus focus on a relationship. Unlike some people, I actually care about my future." Evangeline said as she nudged her right back.

"I care about my future, I'm going to be a great villain just like grandma. I'm not over obsessed with it and boring like you." Ebony replied sticking her tongue out.

Soon, they came into the dining hall. At the big oak dining table, at the end sat Raven Queen and Dexter Charming sitting side by side. On the other side of the table next to Dexter was Evan Charming, the twin brother of Evangeline. He had thick brown hair and dark blue eyes, but unlike Dexter he didn't need glasses. Earnest, the youngest son, was sitting next to Evan. He had jet black hair and blue eyes, and he was still is middle school. He was playing on a game device under the table. Right next to Raven was their littlest sister, Estelle in her high chair. She was still a toddler and had dark purple hair and violet eyes. She looked like a baby Raven. Next to Raven on the other side of the table was where Ebony and Evangeline sat down. In the middle of them was a feast of Turkey, roasted asparagus and Brussels sprouts, Garlic mashed potatoes, and sweet squash.

"So, are you kids hexcited for school to start?" Raven asked as she stretched over to grab some sweet squash and mashed potatoes for Estelle. Dexter started filling up his plate.

"Whatever." Ebony said as she grabbed a few slices of turkey breast.

"Meh." Earnest said as he continued to play his game. Dexter raised his brow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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