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Authors note x

okay this is my first time writing a story on here so here goes x u might like it u might not


Chapter 1 - Rebekah

"Rebekahhhh ..." I hear a voice whispering my name. "Rebekaaahhh ..." that voice whispers again. "REBEKAH MARIE JACKSON, IF U DON'T GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW U WILL MISS THE BUS!" it screams. Now since I'm asleep, I don't really pay attention to someone whispering my name, but let me tell you that I nearly crapped myself when I heard that shout.

"Alright, alright I'm up" I shout. "No need to blow a gasket" I mutter to myself.

"I heard that Rebekah" my brother Ty says through the wall. Yup, the walls in this house are really thin. "Mind your own business Ty" I say back, only to get a chuckle in responce. Ugh, can't he stop eaves dropping for 1 minute. "I heard that too" he shouts back.

I know what your thinking, 'how the heck did he hear that if she thought it!?!?!' so let me explain a bit. My name's Rebekah Jackson, and I am a vampyre. Not the sparkly Twilight crap but a real vampyre that burns in the sun. We have special 'charms' that help us to walk in the day, for instance, mine is a ring. I'll go a little deeper into that later. Anyway, where was I ... oh yeh, vampyres. We try to blend in as much as possible, but it is kind of hard. We look human, but if we don't feed often enough, we start to look, well, like the dead.

"Rebekah, you are chancing your luck. Get out of bed NOW!" my mother shouts at me. I look at the clock and just have time to think, oh shit, when I'm up and throwing on my clothes. I won't bore you with a long description so I'll be quick. I am 5'9", with red-ish hair to the middle of my back. My eyes would have to be the strangest part of me. Now most people have brown or blue eyes, but those people are boring. I, on the other hand, am not boring and I have violet eyes. Yes, yes i know its strange, but i find it normal. You see, vampyres have different eye colours to humans. For example, my brother Ty has gold eyes. And no thats not because he has 'vegetarian' diet as some people think.

So i guess your still wondering about those charms. They can come in any shape or size as long as its a piece of jewellery. I know, why jewellery?? To be honest, I don't have a feckin clue. But anyway, mines is a ring with a lapis latzuli stone in the centre. My brothers is a bracelet with a sharks tooth on it. My mothers is a necklass with a dragon on it. So you get the picture? Good.

"Rebekah, you better get downstairs in 5 minutes or are you going to be LATE!?!?!?" the devils spawn, oops sorry, my brother, shouts up the stairs.

"Keep your hair on, I still have plenty of ..." I look at the alarm clock on my desk. "oh, SHIT!". Im up an running around trying to get ready which is pretty easy thanks to being a vampyre. I get dressed, (not going to bore you with details of it but lets just say, I look amazing), and run downstairs before you can say blood sucking leech.

"Rebekah what did I say about not using the power with other people around." my mother says nagging in her usual way.

"Sorry, its hard not to, its just really fun." I say, grabbing a piece of toast and a blood bag out the fridge in the basement.

Right, I better explain this aswell, huh. Okay so each vampyre has a different power. Some have two but thats really rare. You have one mental and/or one physical. Most families only have one power every other generation. My mother doesn't have any. My brorher is one of the rare ones that has two powers. The physical one is that he can create a force feild that no one can cross. The mental one is that he can read minds of any creature. You saw that one at work earlier on. But me being the awesome person I am, (no joke, just ignore the twat that i call a brother), have more than two powers. I have four. The first one, is that im a metamorph. This means that I can turn into any creature I want, when i want. The second one, is that i can communicate with any creature, even ones that no one can umderdtand. The third, is that i can tell when people are telling the truth. The fourth, is that I can run faster than any vampyre ever known. Thats the one I got in trouble for, its my favourite.

That means I have two mental powers and two physical powers.

"Rebekah hurry up, were going to be late" Ty says running out the door. I run after him, making sure that I dont use that power. As I look at my brothers eyes and he looks at mine, I just think, so much for being normal. That earns me a school bag on the back of the head. Oh, well.

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