Room 326

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Stopping the flow of the bittersweet wine by tightening my lips together, I lowered my cup. Here I stood in the middle of a sea of bodies, the smell of alcohol, sweat and perfume reeked throughout the room, clogging my lungs and staining my pure scent with filth.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to relive moments with you by going to fraternity parties, though it was the only thing that could remind me of you and make me break down in tears as of now. Your unfathomable irrational episodes, laughing at the world, the stigma that stuck with you even after you left was passed down to me.

Memories flashed vividly at the back of my mind, making me wince when I remembered your first attempt. Overwhelming emotions made me snake through the crowd and I just wanted to go somewhere empty. I can't stand it without you, but I don't want you back either. It's not like you can anyway.

Cold wind stung my damp face after my tears fell. The windows were open, displaying a tennis court, illuminated dimly with ivory light. I could see your silhouette all the way from here and you looked as if you were freezing cold in your school uniform. As much as I want to just leap out of the window to tuck you under my arms, I can't reach you.

I wasn't there when you used to be so sickeningly sweet. This fucking world started degrading your innocence against your will and I believed everything you said were lies. I'm sorry, I should've realized sooner.

"You were the only speck of purity in this filthy, cruel world. And we killed you off."

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