Chapter 1

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After we stop Drake and saved the Earth again we went home to get some rest. As sone as we got home I sat on the couch. "Guys I think that Mikey needs some rest." I hear Donnie and leo replayed "That might be best." the next thing I know is that I was in bed.

(Dream world)

"Michleanglo" I hear but cant see how said it. "Michleanglo my son"

"No cant be. Master Splinte? that you?" I ask into the shadows."Yes my son it is me." he says as he came out of the shadows. "I understand that you have new powers and want to use them but be for you can you mutst know how." "But Master Splinter how can i if i dont know how?" " With practice my son." "But."  Befor I could even reply he was gone.

(End of dream)

Sorry its short but I wanted to get it out.

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