Chapter 3 - another rival to defeat!

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"HA I NEW IT!! Soarin has a crush on Crash..i mean Dash and now we see them RIGHT NOW!!" Fleetfoot said.

"Shush they might hear us!" Spitfire said to them.

As Soarin leaves out of the door, with a silly goofy smile on his face and hearts in his eyes, hearts floating from his head.

"Peest Soarin over hear" somepony said to him and he looked to see his friends and the three fillys and walked to them.

"Hay what are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"We came to follow you and ran into these three and came to see what you where up to." Spitfire said. The others nodded.

"Yeah and we came along with them to see to and now we know what you where doing so we want to ask you." Applebloom said but got pulled back by her friends.

"Are you sure we should ask him if he likes Rainbow I mean he can be pretty shy when he tells us something." Spitfire said.

"Awww come on spits if we need to see if he likes her then theres no need to worry, he's bond to tell us if we ask him, so why not that." Fleetfoot said to her, and the crusaders nodded in agreement.

"Mhm." Applebloom said.

"Yeah." Sweetie Belle said.

"I agree to lets ask him to see if we're right." Scootaloo said.

Spitfire thought about it and agreed to try and see if the results are true. Turned to face him and walked to him, following by the others.

"Ok Soarin im going to ask you something and I want you to be honest with me." She continued and Soarin nodded 'oak's he gestured him to come close to whisper in his ear.

"Now tell me, do you. Have a crush. On Rainbow Dash?" She asked.

".......Yeah, yeah I do." He said with a dreamy look on his face.

"Well that was ease than I thought." Scootaloo said.

"Well, well, well, our Soarin has his first crush on our recruit, how sweet, our little boy is growing up." Fleetfoot says jokingly, and Soarin gives her an annoyed look.

"Wait this is his first crush? Really?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah Soarin hasn't had a crush on anypony for a long time, and now he does." Spitfire said, hocked a hoof around his shoulders in a half hug.

"Yeah only because I haven't found the right mare for me yet." Soarin said to them, and swiped off spits hoof.

"Yet here you are now, and cause your just to shy to even find or even talk to a mare before doofes." Fleetfoot said jockingl again. And he gave an annoyed sigh from his friends stupidity.

"O.M.G, O.M.G, O.M.G, Soarin got a crush on Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo said excitedly humping around and kept saying it again." Soarins got a cruush, Soarins got a cruuush, Soarins got a cruuush." She sang out everywhere until she stop right by Soarins side.

"Wait! Does Rainbow know that you have a crush on her?" She asked him. That leaves them all looking at him.

"Uh uh." He said shaking his head side-to-side no.

"Then you gotta go and tell her then." She said shaking him.

"Oh..uhh..i uh....i don't know." Soarin said hesitated by that thought of telling her that.

"Yeah you should go and tell her how you feel." Applebloom said.

"You should." Sweetie Belle said nodded head agreeing it to.

"I agree with them here buddy, I say you should go tell her how you feel for her." Fleetfoot said to him with a hoof on his shoulder.

"I don't know about that you guys." He said uncertain.

"Im sure she likes you to, I mean why else would she always ask you to hang out and help her out just so she can spend time with you." Spitfire said, Soarin smiled at that "and why else would she ask you for help just so she can spend time with you more to."

Soarin thought about it and it was true they have been hanging out alot and have been helping her to. He looked at them." think so?"

"Oh we know so, and besides you'll never know till you try." Scootaloo said encouraging him to try.

The others nodded in agreement, they want to help him so he can tell Rainbow how he feels.

"Ok." He said and grabbed a flower, which is a fire lily flower (Rainbows favorite flower) and walked over to the bakery.

"Go for it Soarin." Spitfire said, hoof-bump Fleetfoot, the crusaders smiled and see how this goes.

Soarin took a deep breath fixed his mane and went in and saw her sitting on the booth still working, she saw him and smiled. He looked at her of how pretty she is and looks. After he was about to say anything he got pushed aside by somepony, and you wanna know who that pony was.......

It was Dumbbell himself and he walked up to Rainbow Dash and said to her." Well hay there Rainbow Dash long time no see."

"Oh well hello there Dumbbell nice seeing you again." Rainbow said.

It's been a while sense they spoke to eachother, he and his friends used to bully her and Fluttershy when they were little, and after winning the "Best Youngs Flyers Competition" they said their sorry to her and she forgives them for it. It was a secret that he liked her for a while and wanted to make her his, so he brot out a buecai of roses for her.

"Here i brot you these, to show how awesome you are, and also to say sorry to." He said and gave he the roses.

She looked at them and looks at him, unsure, but took them."Oh, well thank you for that dumbbell, and you already apologized to me last time right." She said little smile, raised eyebrow.

Soarin saw this and had a defeated look on his face and walked away with his head down. The Wonderbolts and Crusaders saw this to and had nervous looks on them.

"Um is it just me or does it look like theres somepony who also likes Rainbow Dash to?" Applebloom said in uneasy tone in her voice.

"I think we just did think that." Scootaloo said.

"And this is not going to be good." Spitfire said as they looked at eachother with nervous looks at what is going to happen now.

Author's note. Well that's two chapters made making two more tomorrow.

I hope you liked this one to, and I think your wondering what will happen now that Dumbbell also likes Rainbow Dash to, and Soarin doesn't know what to do now?! 😮😮

He'll have to have some help from friends Spitfire and Fleetfoot and the Crusaders to help out to. Who will win Rainbows heart? ❤️💚🖤💛💜 Find out soon.

Comment on what you think of this and I'll be on this for weekends and Thursdays now.

Thanks, Seya. 😉😉😉

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