Part one

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*I'm so sorry for this but in this book, I end up changing swiftpaw and toxicpaw so just say toxic paw *

It was a sunny dawn and I was lying in my make shift nest, alerted by the smell of the clan dragons. they had a weird scent but I didn't wait to see how many there was, I pin pointed where the scent was coming from and darted in the opposite direction, as I pelted my paws barely scraping the ground I could hear the thundering paws of about five warriors in pursuing. I knew about the border those dragons have and I know that they can't be crossed. As I neared the border, their paws got louder but this time it was only one warrior I might have a damaged wing but that doesn't mean I can't fight well, I skidded to a stop to face the warrior my muscles tensed ready to meet my pursuer claws unsheathed, I stood in a clearing as the paw steps got louder. then a young apprentice burst into the clearing, he was about my age, sides heaving to catch his breath. his color well suited for this environment with a mixture of blacks, greens, grey, blue and whites to be honest it looks attractive unlike my colors a completely black body with bright toxic green stripes. in my opinion I'm unattractive unlike him who stood before me. he stares straight at me shock from my sudden stop, a wave of amusement pulsed through my body, he squared his broad shoulders as the shock faded from his eye into something else, not hostility but friendly curiosity. he stared for a few more heartbeats before asking "what are you doing here? You could have been killed! Even more so with that wing" as he glanced sideways to look at my damaged wing, i pulled it closer to my body and replied " where else am I'm meant to go ill just get kicked out of every territory I go in and like you said with my wing I can't go far" he looked at me sympathetically "follow me ill show you a place only I know about but keep close my scent will mask yours" I didn't like the thought of going close to others even ones I know let alone males that I find attractive but I still obeyed "wow your very obedient for a rouge even my den mates don't listen to their mentor not even each other" you started to feel flushed by the word and the closeness between us both an looked away. then a sudden noise made both of us stop dead in your tracks suddenly he wrapped a wing around me and pulled me closer dragging me to a tree and pulled me up, shocked by the sudden movement and how our skin was tightly pushed together so we could fit on the branch you didn't object to what he did I just stared down at the ground below then a heartbeat later two warriors appeared with prey dangling from their jaws as they disappeared again into the undergrowth when the forest was silent again. he helped me down the tree and we carried on through the forest keeping me close. eventually we came to a small tunnel " climb through there I'll come to you at night " he instructed " how in Galaxy-clan am I going to fit through there " i complained " it opens up further in the tunnel trust me" he assured me, after a moment of hesitation I squished through the tight passage and just as he ha said it widened into a small cave with over grown brambles a fern with a small brook that is at the back of the cave with a small crack in the roof so that the light poured in. making a nest to sleep until it was the night he came I didn't even know his name and as if he could hear my thoughts he called down the tunnel "by the way my name is Ivypaw" then all is quiet and a few heartbeats later I get dragged into a deep sleep.

Warriors of a different kind!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora