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jhypeofficial Did not realize we were taking a pic9

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Did not realize we were taking a pic
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ffs i wish i was len sooo bad


"You really should be careful," Rita told the girl as they came off the stage for the night. Boy Band was over and it was time to go start thinking about the next week. They had just sent home Dorian, a kid Lena had gotten very attached to in the few short weeks they had known each other. She had grown attached to every single one of them, making this show get harder every time they sent someone home.

"What do you mean?" Lena asked, following the assistant to the Rita's dressing room.

"You know what I mean, Len," Rita said with a stern look.

"You can't be so weird around Michael with everything. Producers are looking at you and if you start to compromise him or the show, they'll decide it's not worth it. I know you're a part of the team, but just please be careful." Lena nodded.

She let Rita leave to her room, staring at the door for a second until the assistant called her name. "I think you're being called to Gary's, Lena." Lena looked at the boy next to her, nodding at him.

"Thanks, George," she said, turning away from him to go to Gary's room. He was one of producers of the show, helping her learn the ropes of the show and production.

She was nervous walking there, thinking about Rita's words and how it was probably true. She was hanging out with the guys a lot, featuring them on her social media and bringing them up a lot, Brooklyn was probably annoyed with how much she mentioned them.

She was beginning to get stressed, thinking about how much she was doing that was probably against the contract she had signed at the beginning of the search for the boys. She had her Marvel show, which she needed to go back to Atlanta in a week to finish up refilming scenes so that everything was smooth, she was beginning to miss her parents and London. Plus, she was working on songs in the down time and she was in the middle of a major writer's block.

How had she not realized that everything she was doing was too much, and that it was only just beginning to feel the start of it all. She got to Gary's door, knocking on it and letting herself in. He was looking on his computer, going over the footage of the night. "Hey, Len," he started, looking away from his computer. He saw her pale face, concern flashing over his. "What's wrong?"

"Is this about me being with the guys too much?" she asked quickly.

He laughed lightly, trying not to be condescending but also finding it amusing that she asked that first. "I actually just got off the phone with Mark Stumer," Lena nodded, that was one of the producers of Cloak and Dagger, "they need you back in Atlanta for 10 days and it can't be negotiated. You'll miss next week's show. You can be back for the next week if you want."


lena baekham
you have a really pretty smile

thanks len, you do to


aubreyomarican't wait to see this munchkin againtagged : lbeckham1

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can't wait to see this munchkin again
tagged : lbeckham
1.8k likes | 32 comments

lol i'm so greasy, but ilysm

lol you are @lbeckham

@tomholland2013 rat

mena has matching names for each other what a dream team. oops lena is facing some stress in her life, whats she gonna do about it, how the boys gonna deal with it? is she gonna tell them?

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