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             My name is Kaelyn. I am 16 years old and I had a hard life but I was like Oprah Winfrey and rose above my challenges. It all started when I was 7 years old beginning with my dad.  My dad had cheated on my mom which created the trust issues and started the verbal abuse with both my parents. Eventually my dad's verbal abuse turned into physical abuse against my brother and me. My mom was too madly in love with him to see the pain he was costing us.

           At the age of 9 my grandfather started molesting me and when I turned 10 he began penetrating and raping me. Then when I was 11, Pearl police shot my dogs and lied about the story and reason they shot my dogs so my German Shepherds never had justice and we had to move to Crystal Springs. While staying in Crystal Springs I admitted to my parents about what my grandfather had done to me one day and that same day the cops went to arrest him, however, they found that they shot himself in the head and committed suicide. 

       When I turned 13, that's when I became suicidal due to my rapist was the closest person to me. I became sexually active due to one I had became a sexual addict and two because it made me feel better about myself. Right before my 14th birthday, my dad started raping me after him and my mom got into an argument and he left for the week. By Christmas of 2015 I became pregnant by one guy who I barely knew and lost the baby. Within a few months, I got pregnant again by either my dad or my boyfriend at the time and due to the rape still happening I lost the child again.

      On April 18, 2016, that's when my life changed for good. My boyfriend already knew the rapes were happening and I told him that day because he noticed cuts on my wrists where I tried to cut the night before, not to kill myself but just to release the pain. It was a cry for help nothing more. All I needed was for someone to hold me and keep me safe like they promised. However it wasn't him. 

      A few months later the hero that I thought he was, that saved me, killed me harder than I could ever imagine. Here I was stuck in a mental hospital while he was out there with some other girl. I was holding on to him when I didn't even know that he left me. Right when I thought nothing could get worse I found out about my child and the miscarriage while he was still out there a free unknowing father. 

     Later that year I went to court where I saw my dead baby's father and aunt. I tried to talk to him but knew I couldn't so I waited listening to what he had to say. However, he got scared and lied talking about we never had sex. That crushed me like an angry person crushes a beautiful rose. I began to cry but it wasn't worth it and I had to face the truth no one was on my side except for the one person who I had always turned my back on... my mother. I had to listen to everyone but her and my brother (who didn't help me or him) bash my name in and make him sound like a perfect little angel. I had no one but my mom and my brother who later lived with my ruthless grandmother. 

   My life was going to hell while i'm stuck receiving therapy for what was already healed now I live in a group home with my only 2 people by my side: my mom and stepdad. I have never spoken up about my story and about the raped until now. I am finally unbroken and stronger than ever as time goes by. So now I challenge you. If you know someone of any type of abuse speak up. Or tell them to speak up. Show them my story. Show people that there is a chance and help the one's facing this tragedy and show them that they are not the only one. 

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