Entry 1

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Hello diary. Let me start off my introducing myself. I am Thirrin, and am 17 years old. I was saved four years ago. I had a boyfriend but just lost him a few days ago. It's rough... I had many firsts, but they were washed away when I was saved. So he was my first everything. And I mean everything. I know, as a good Christian girl I shouldn't have given him my virginity, but it's not like I meant to... It was truly an accident, it all started as a simple loving kiss, then escalated. I'm not sorry I did it though. I love him, and we were supposed to marry. We aren't broken up, but we aren't together. We have taken a break. As he says I need to mature more. Which is true, but I know there is more to it. God told me. It hurts, almost two years together, and to have this happen.  But I am kind of okay with it. I know God means well, and if we're meant to be we will be back together, which I know will happen. He is my first and last love. But I need to learn to depend and lean more on myself and God, as well as my other friends, not just him. It will all work in the end, we're meant to be. We may date other people, but I know there is no better match. He taught me to love, and now I must show others love as well. Plus I know God is a jealous God, and he wants me to depend on and spend more time with him. I may have told my boyfriend different which I don't know why, the words just came out... But if God said too break up with him I would. But the words saying wouldn't came out first. But oh well, not much else I can do about it know. He is my brother and I his sister for now. But it will be lovers again one day.

That's all for now diary, I'll talk to you again later!


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