AJ looked at the defeated Paige in front of her. Laying on the ground motionless. This was the girl that claimed would defeat AJ and take away her title.

AJ smiled at how delusional Paige was this whole time. The younger girl was reaching too high this whole time and she was so oblivious of it.

The referee raised AJ's hand as the crowd cheered. Somehow the WWE universe appreciated both women despite how different their characters were.

The older woman put her classic crazy smile on and skipped around the girl's defenseless body in circles.

There was a sudden satisfaction that was brought to AJ once she got back her belt, once she got to plant a passionate kiss on it, once she got to smile evilly at her beaten opponent. It all seemed like a fairytale to her. The thought of her ever failing all of this never crossed her mind.

However...there was a little something that bothered the diva. Something that still made her feel a little nauseous when she thought about it...

"Honestly...I feel like you would be better off without Smackdown. Right now you're a little neglected by all of us and i think that if you move over to RAW you would be able to work things out, you know. You seem depressed to me. Is there something that we can do to improve, uhm, your mental state?"

Shane and Daniel threw their concerning looks at Dean. He was sat across them with his head facing down and his fingers at his temples. It looked like he had a headache.

"So...there is no chance for you to change your mind, huh?"

The two older men just smiled sadly at Dean.

"Okay, okay, it's all good. But i guess you know why I don't want to go back, right? You probably heard about last year..."

Daniel opened his mouth to say something but then he just gave Dean one of those annoying sad smiles again. These smiles were thrown at Dean on a daily basis. It was starting to get ridiculous.

He sat up from his chair and extended his hand for Shane and Daniel to shake. Then he dragged himself out of the office.

AJ was at a meet and greet, talking to the fans, giving away hugs, taking pictures, signing autographs and her hand kept holding on to the same old black marker even though she couldn't really feel her fingers anymore.

One little part of her liked this. To her it was kind of overwhelming to inspire so many people with her character and performance in the ring. It made that little part of her light up at the look on the fans' smiles, the way they gazed at her, they bought her merch. That was what she wanted anyways. These boys and girls reminded her of when she was little and all she wanted was to get in the ring and prove herself to the world. So she made sure no one thwarted her or threatened her in any way. It was amazing that she had come so far and managed to accomplish most of her goals.

The other bigger part of her thought that this was overwhelming . All the photos, autographs, interviews... Sometimes she would get a headache, she would feel nauseous and after the meets and greets her hand was numb from all the signing.

This auditorium was crammed with all kinds of people. Little boys and girls, teenagers going through the emo phase, drunk old men...All varieties of characters. AJ had spaced out when a thrilled fan came up to her. It was a girl around 15 years old trying not to jump from excitement.

"Hey, AJ!" the girl had the biggest smile plastered on that AJ had ever seen.

"Hi, how are you doing? Nice merch by the way." AJ complimented the blonde girl wearing her merch.

They took a picture and her gaze stayed on the girl as she was walking to a... AJ rubbed her eyes for a moment. On the back of the shirt the girl was wearing, which on the front had the classic love bites logo, there on the back she saw initials. Initials that had been tattooed on her mind one year ago. The initials of one of her ex lovers. The one that got away.

Boy, it got even more interesting.

This meet and greet was only for the RAW superstars, right? But she saw something that she could not explain to herself.

This girl approached a tall man with black combat boots, some old jeans and a black hoodie. She looked like she wanted something from him but he denied. The man gave the impression that he didn't want to be there, he wanted to get out.

Something about this man made AJ feel threatened. Which was weird because why would she care if he's here? Now that she thought about it her hatred towards him was reanimated. She was convinced that the good guy act was a lie.

But it could be just some superstar wanting a few minutes to himself. If that was the case AJ related to this person, the meets and greets were exhausting.

After a minute or two the girl gave up on the man who had no intention on giving her what she wanted. He cautiously watched the girl walk away and then looked around as if to see if anyone is watching him.

The man probably felt AJ's eyes on him because he turned around and shot his piercing blue eyes right at her. From distance it looked like he was almost squinting at her with these eyes. A look AJ couldn't quite read. If you asked her what his nose or face shape looked like for example she would not be able to answer. There was just a certain emotion building up at her when she simply gazed in his eyes. He turned on his heels and walked away. Just like that.

AJ stood up from her chair ready to follow him when another one of these immensely excited fangirls walked up to her reminding her what her responsibility was at the moment. She signed a quick autograph and listened to the girl pour her heart out to her.

Piercing blue eyes squinting at her like she was some kind of monster...well she could only think of one person. But it could alway be a coincidence, right? AJ shook it off and continued to mind her own business.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading.

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