My Pokemon Path (Pokemon Fan Fic)

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"Hey loser. Guess who got there first Pokemon today." My older brother said, tossing his Pokeball in the air.

"Shouldn't you be on your journey then?" I rolled my eyes.

"I want to evolve my Pokemon before I start. I want it to be at it's strongest before I start."

"What Pokemon did you choose?"


My older brother, his name is Volkner Ferne. My name is Crie Ferne by the way. Anyway, he just got back from retrieving his first Pokemon and is rubbing it in my face. He's two years older than me, making me eight. I hate my brother. He's nothing but a big bully. Making fun of me because all I do is study all different kinds of Pokemon. I'll show him.

We both attend a public school, and we were newer to the school. It's only grades kindergarten through fourth grade. After you get your first Pokemon it acts as a graduation and you start your Pokemon Journey. I was just ending third grade. Summer was about to start. I was excited. This summer I was gonna turn nine. Making it just a year until I'm old enough to start my Pokemon journey.

My brother showed me his Totodile, at my request, which was a first, and went outside. To train I guess. I walked through the living room and towards the attic stairs. I usually went to the attic when I was down or upset. I walked up and threw my bag down. I looked around, looking for something to do, when a box caught my eye. I have no idea why this particular box did, considering boxes filled the space, but it did. I walked over and kneeled down in front of it. Tearing it open using a pocket knife my grandpa gave me I slowly opened, to find a Pokeball. That's strange. I picked it up and the Pokeball opens. To my surprise, a stream of red comes out and forms into a Pokemon. A actual Pokemon.

"Gastly." It said in a ghostly voice. A real live Pokemon. I stared at it in awe.

"D-do you want to be my Pokemon?" I ask. Hoping it understands me. To my surprise, it nods. "Really?" I ask in my surprise. It nods again. "Come with me Gastly!" I grab the Pokeball but I don't make Gastly return just yet. "Dad!" I yell, running down the stairs. Gastly right behind me. "Dad! look at what I found!" I yelled running into the living room.

He looked up from his newspaper. He looked very surprised. "Crie...Where did you find that?" He asks.

"In the attic! In a Pokeball in some box! Can I keep him! Please!" I yell.

"I don't know. Do you know the responsibility's of taking care of a Pokemon?"

"Yes! Please dad! I'll take very good care of him!"

"I guess..."

"Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I say fast, running back to my room. "Come on Gastly!" When I enter my room I close my blinds, although the sun is setting, I know Gastly doesn't like sunlight. So I'll wait till dark. "Gastly." He says again in his ghostly voice. I just love his Voice.

I close my room after he enters. "Gastly, I feel as my first Pokemon, I should give you a nickname. I read that it makes a bond. What do you think?" I look at him and he gives me a nod. "Cool! How about...Neco? Or Wraith? Or Metus?" Realizing he can't speak I tried something different. "Ok. How about I say a name and you shake your head no, or nod yes." He nodded and I started calling names I liked. "OK. Metus?" No. "Wraith?" No. "Neco?" He nods his head yes and I smile. "OK Neco. I'm excited to start training! C'mon. Let's go show Volkner. My brother." I walk out of my room and walk outside. It was dark now so I knew Neco would be fine.

"Hey Volkner! Look at what I got!" I yell at him as he gets ready to walk inside.

"Huh. Hey! Where did that come from!" He yelled

"I found him in the attic. Dad said I could keep him."

"What can it even do?" Volkner asked with a disgusted face. I smiled and turned to Neco, and whispered my plan. His smile got bigger and he disappeared. Volkner looked around with a worried expression. Suddenly, his pants fall down. My dear brothers face turns red and Gastly appears behind him. A Pokeball rolls out of Volkner's pocket and opens reveling his Totodile. "Totodile do something!" He yelled.

Neco floated to the side facing Totodile, the water pokemon used his Water Gun move or whatever it's called. (I've never done valid research on Totodile.) Before it hit Neco he turned invisible again the water hit Volkner instead. My Pokemon appeared beside me and I fell on the ground laughing, holding my stomach. "TOTODILE!!!" Volkner screamed. "You'll pay for this Crie!" He yelled, returning Totodile to his Pokeball, and walking inside.

"That was great, Neco. I can tell we're gonna be a great team!"


I'm in love with my story so far. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments!  

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