Chapter 5

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Remie Pic>>>

My life has actually been wonderful since I left the pack! Even though Julian is still on my mind and haunting my dreams, I've been able to make it. I have a job now! I work at the bookstore in town, I wont have to worry about anyone from the pack seeing me. They're all to stupid to read. I've actually made some friends too. Well they're my coworkers but we hang out after work regularly. I only go to school for a few hour a day, most people wouldn't believe it, but I'm a freshman in college.

I don't know how I got the job exactly. I walked into the bookstore the day after I left the pack and there was this tall, very handsome guy at the counter. He had beautiful brown eyes and short brown hair. He is a human though. He came running up to me smiling. "Excuse me miss," He had said. "Are you perhaps looking for a job?" His voice is deep and strong.

"I wasn't exactly." I said. I wasn't used to talking to people so I was extremely nervous. I kept playing with the bottom of my shirt while I tried not to look at him. He grabbed my hands and I looked at him. He had a small smile on his face. He dropped my hands a second later.

"I'd really love it if you would work here." He said. "You seem like a hard worker." He pointed down at my school name tag. "How old are you?"

"I'll be seventeen next month." I whispered.

"Will you please work here?" He asked. "Pretty please." He stuck his lip out and pouted.

"Why do you want me to work here?" I asked. "I'm no good at anything."

"Look at this place." He said. "I only have six employees and three of them are never here." I ended up taking the job after he begged until I just gave in. He's actually a pretty nice guy, his name is Evan. I met the four employees who actually showed up for work. There is Gary, he's sixteen also. He's the jokester around the shop. He's a chubby little red-head but he will keep you laughing. If he worked out a little he would be half bad.

Gina is nineteen and the hyper one, she talks really fast and she asks a lot of questions. She's really pretty, her black hair is cutreally short and she has green eyes. Then there is Remie, he's a werewolf, it surprised the hell out of me. He was working out back when I came in. I've got to say, Remie is gorgeous. He's tall, has tan skin, long black hair and piercing black eyes. He is like heaven on earth. Remie is eighteen and he's not really part of a pack.  He has a pack but he just chooses to do his own thing.

Today is my birthday! Me and the guys are going out, well Remie is sneaking me into a club. I don't really have anything to wear so Gina is taking me shopping. "Its time to get you out of those baggy clothes and get you into something sexy!" Those were her exact words. I don't know why I agreed. It's not like clothes are going to get my mate back.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone. I was Gina.

"I'm outside but your little doorman wont let me in." She said.

"Sorry." I mumbled. I ran over and pressed the button to open the gate to the apartments. Yes, I live in a gated community and you have to go through a lot to get through. I hang up the phone and made my way to the parking lot.

"You ready to spend some cash?" She asked playfully.

"Not really." I said. Even though we're friends I still find it hard to make conversation. I had told everyone about the environment I had been in before. They actually understood and they were all working to get me to lighten up. Gina and I exchanged little words the entire ride to the mall.

"What about this one?" She asked holding up this skin-tight black dress. I shook my head no. She dropped her arms and glared at me. "We've been in here for two hours and you've only picked up one thing." I had bought a long sleeve black shirt and that was all.

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