Chapter 13: hot and sweaty part 2

Start from the beginning

" when i was backstage I got talking to Joey and I didn't think anything of it I mean it didn't say anything weird but ... When I got back to my dressing room he left me a flower..." She said as she pulled the sleeves of her jumper so that they covered most of fingers

" the sunflower that you threw away?" He said as he tried to comfort her by gently stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers

" yeah the sunflower" she said as looked up to the ceiling, he could see that tears were beginning to form in her eyes

" why would you throw it?" He said gently although he was beginning to think that there was a lot more going on between them than she had previously let on

"Because of the card that was with it" she said as she gave him the card, she could see his face change from gentle Beck to angry/jealous

Beck scrunched up the card and threw it away across the room the best he could

"Why does he mean by forever in his heart or your little Joey" he said as he stood up and started to pace

" I don't know, I've never called him that. You said you thought he liked me or he would try something with me, I think this it" she said as she began to panic

" come here... Shhhh, ok here's what we are going to do: in your next dance class with him I'll be there" he said as he pull her in close for a hug as he gently stroked her hair

" won't he wonder why you're there?" She said as instantly began to feel better by his touch

" nope cause you'll tell him that you've chosen me as you're dance partner,I'm more you're height and build it just makes more sense" he said as he saw her nod in agreement

For the rest of night they decided not to discuss the whole Joey thing instead they to make cakes, watch bad 80's movies while eating ice cream and cuddling up on the couch together in the pjs covered by a Tori bed sheets. Around three in morning Tori fell asleep laying her head on Beck's legs, which left Beck all alone with his thoughts as he gently stroked Tori's long curly brown hair. He couldn't help but think that him dancing with Tori would only make things worse.

A week and half later

Since Tori's performance, Beck had been at everyone of her dance classes to make sure Joey didn't try to make a move on her and so far he hadn't but he wasn't happy that Beck was dancing with her, that he was allow to touch. They could both tell as much due to the fact that Joey was being extra hard on Tori as he criticised her on every little thing which was not good thing considering the fact that the showcase was a month away. One day just before Tori's dance class she got a text from Beck saying that he would be late due to the fact that Helena was checking on his progress in his combat act. So she walked into her dance class full of dread as she began to get changed

" where's Beck?" Joey said as he startled her as she put her dance shoes on

" he's stuck in his combat class" she said as she made her way to the middle of the floor

" shame but you need the practise so I guess we need to do it without him" he said harshly

" fine I practise my parts and when me and Beck are alone we can do it together" she said as she took off her jumper so she was only wearing a pair of sweats and tank top

" no I need to see the whole dance meaning I'll have to step in Beck's place so lets get started" Joey said as they got into position

So for the next half and an hour they kept practising the dance over and over again and nothing had happened until they were doing the last move which included Joey gently raised Tori's arms then gently stroking them but instead of lifting her up so that she was laying with her back on his shoulders. He twisted her around so that they face to face and very close, Tori didn't know what to do she was terrified to move as he pushed a piece of hair out of face as he leaned in and pulled her close as he kissed. Tori struggled to pull him off her and when she did, she step back away from and slapped him hard on the face as she quickly grabbed her stuff and left the room as fast as she could while the tears fell down her face.

"Tori...Tori...TORI! What's going on? Are you ok?" Beck sausage as he grabbed a hold of her as she ran past him

" Beck ... Omg we have to go... Now!" She said as she took his hand and ran to the car

She hoped that she could forget what had just did she know that Jade had seen the whole thing from the open door and not only that but had the photos to prove it.

Aww poor Tori, wonder what she'll do next also what's Jade going to do with that photo, knowing Jade it will be nothing good. As usual let me know what you think by reviewing or pming me also with any suggestion you have, i'd love to hear what you think good or bad

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