Chapter 33

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Ryla's P.O.V

"Why would you do that?" Riker was pissed. Easiest way to put it. 

"I don't know." I huffed. My arms were crossed across my chest and I stared intently at my shoes. 

"Do you even know how stupid that was, how dangerous?!" Okay, pissed is an understatement, more like livid... "What made you leave? Not only leave, but leave without supervision?!"

I was lonely, you were all busy, I don't fit in with you guys, the chair was uncomfortable, the cell service was better outside, I didn't know the car was locked, I didn't think you guys would take that long~ "I don't know."

"Are you going to say more than 'I don't know?', it feels like I'm having a conversation with a brick wall!"

"This isn't a conversation." I huffed out. 

"Oh yea, what is it then, Ryla?" Riker had stopped at a red light and turned his attention towards me. He looked angry, very angry. 

"It's you yelling at me!" I hissed out, I glared daggers at the older man until he returned his attention and we started driving again. 

"I should ground you." Riker murmured, mostly to himself. But I still heard. 

"Do it then!" I yelled. We had pulled into the hotel parking lot and I abandoned the car as quickly as I could. I slammed the door while Riker was still inside to put emphasis on how angry I was. I stormed into the hotel lobby completely ignoring all the Lynch's attempts at talking to me. The elevator thankfully closed before any of the Lynch kids could weasel their was in. 

I should ground you. It's always like that. Maybe I would like someone to take the time and ground me. They keep treating me like that little orphan they adopted. I'm not that person anymore. I didn't utter a word to anyone before, but I talk to anyone now. How am I supposed to feel like one of them when all they do is keep reminding me that I'm not blood related. They treat Ratliff more like a sibling than me. I understand that I'm the youngest, and everyone baby's the youngest- but come on! Ryland is only a few years older than me and he doesn't have to deal with all this. If Ryland wanted to go to the skate park one afternoon no one would say a thing, but I ask to go get ice cream with Quinn and I need three chaperons.

I huffed out as the elevator doors opened on our floor and I quickly made my way to Rydel and I's room. I unlocked the door with the key car and locked myself in the bathroom. She couldn't get me in there. I know what's going to happen now. They'll all give me pity eyes and Riker will come apologize and they expect everything to be sunshine and rainbows. Not tonight, nope. I'm camping out in the bathroom. 

It wasn't long before I heard a soft knock on the bathroom door. 

"Ry?" It was Rydel. I leaned my head back against the shower wall, as I'd chosen the bathtub as my go-to spot to sit. 

"Come on, Ry. Riker didn't mean it." I stood my ground and stayed silent. "He wasn't really going to ground you..." She waited a few seconds before sighing  and continuing, "fine, come out when you're ready then." I heard the Tv be turned on. I glared at the wall before shrugging off my R5 drawstring bag. I was a little happy Ross had convinced me to take it with some things to entertain me at the radio station. I pulled my phone charger out and unplugged the hairdryer. My phone vibrated happily after being plugged in, as it was at 13%. For the next two hours I entertained myself in the bathroom. I folded toilet paper origami (they just fell apart though), I went through everything under the sink, played around with some of Rydel's make-up, but in the end I spent most of that time watching the sink drip after I set it to a very low setting. My phone had finished charging but I left it plugged in anyways. I was startled out of my day dreaming when I heard another knock on the door. 

"Are you coming out yet?" Rydel now sounded impatient, "I have to pee, Ryla." I still remained silent. There was two rooms on either side of us that had bathrooms for her to use. Ross and Ry on one and Rik and Rocky on the other. Not to mention Ellington who was across the hall. 

She waited a minute before she huffed. I could only imagine her frustrated stance as she waited at the door. "Fine then, have a good night in the bathroom." I heard her open the door and I could faintly hear her talking to Rocky in the hallway. It didn't take long for her to return. I heard her get into bed and I saw the yellow glow from under the bathroom door shut off. I didn't intend to actually sleep in the bathroom, but I did. I had made myself comfortable watching a movie on my phone, using a roll of toilet paper as a pillow. 


"Ryla! It's time to leave the bathroom, we leave in twenty minutes!" That was Riker. I had almost forgotten that we would be leaving the following morning. I loaded everything into my drawstring bag and returned everything into it's place. I opened the door with a huff and moved past everyone without saying anything. I can do silent, I had for years and I can again. After loading into the tour bus I made my way to the back and laid in my bed thing. It was more comfortable than the bathroom floor that's for sure. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I wonder where we're going to now?

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