Down On One Knee

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It was finally December 24th, Louis' twentieth birthday. Louis was still fast asleep in bed, so I got up and headed to the kitchen, cooking him a special breakfast. As it cooked, I decorated the main room with birthday streamers, balloons, and a big, "Happy Birthday Lou!" banner.

The doorbell rang, signalling the boys and our mums were here. They strolled in, presents and food in their hands. I gave them a smile, before taking the tray of pancakes, bacon, and milk upstairs, opening our bedroom door with my foot.

I sat the tray on the nightstand, climbing onto the bed and rubbing Louis' back, a little groan of protest leaving his lips. He turned to look at me with tired eyes, before a smile took over his lips. He rolled over, his eyes widening as he saw the tray.

"Happy birthday, baby," I say quietly, scratching behind his ears. He purred, sitting up and opening his arms.

"Thank you Hazzie," He said

I nodded, kissing him softly, not minding the morning breath he had, before getting to my feet and resting the tray on his thighs, "For you, my love,"

Louis blushed, "You didn't have to cook me breakfast,"

"But I did. Eat up and meet me downstairs," I kissed his forehead, leaving him to eat, skipping down the stairs.

"So, are you popping the question tonight?" Niall asks quietly, setting out some plates beside the Spider-Man cake I bought for Louis.

"Yes," I reply, meeting his blue eyes, "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't absolutely terrified," I admit

Zayn pats my back reassuringly, "You know he'll say yes."

"How do you know?" I ask quietly, my voice wobbling, "I won't function if he says no,"

"Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Liam asks, answering after I shook my head in response, "Harry, he looks at you the way Zayn looks at Perrie. He looks at you with so much long and adoration, it's sickening sometimes. Louis loves you like there's no tomorrow, and I know he'd be just as fucked up if he lost you. Just like I know you love him just as much," Liam finishes

"Thanks boys," I say after a moment, the three of them smiling at me in reassurance

"You'll do fine, mate," Niall says

We heard the padding of feet, before a mewl, "Hazza? Have you seen my fluffy socks?" Louis asks, before we see him stop at the edge of the stairs.

He stares at the decorations with a big smile, his eyes filled with such happiness, it made my heart swell. He looked like a kid in a candy shop. His eyes met ours, a chorus of, "Happy birthday!" being heard.

He blushes, before racing to give everyone a hug and a thank you. He looked at me, his eyes shining, "Thank you Hazzie,"

"You're welcome love," I smile, kissing his forehead, before intertwining our fingers and turning to Niall, who then announced we'd be having a little movie day, since Louis didn't like big parties or going out on his birthday. He'd rather stay home and cuddle and be around his friends.

"Spider-Man marathon!" Niall cries, taking out Spiderman 1-3 and the Amazing Spider Man.

Louis squealed, before sitting on our big fort from the night before, everyone taking a seat beneath the blanket that enclosed us. Niall popped the DVD in, Spiderman 1 starting up. Louis looked over at me, before he wrapped himself up in my arms. His tail wrapped around Niall's wrist, Niall smiling down at it before he looked back at the TV.


"Birthday cake time!" Niall cries, lighting up a candle that said '20'

Louis, Zayn, Liam, and I joined him in the kitchen, letting Louis stand in front of the cake. He smiled happily at the Spiderman cake, my arms finding themselves around his waist.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Louis! Happy birthday to you!" We sang in unsion, a blush on Louis' cheeks, since he felt embarassed with all the attention on him

"Make a wish, baby," I whisper in his ear, before he blows out the candles, everyone applauding. Louis turned around to face me so Liam could cut the cake, giving me a big hug, "What'd you wish for?"

"I couldn't tell you, or it won't come true," Louis giggles

"He's right, yo," Niall laughs

We all sat down at the table, a slice of cake in front of us, everyone sharing a laugh and Louis' ears twitching, showing his happiness. If he were a dog, I'm pretty sure his tail would wag. But since he's a cat, he likes to purr and have his ears move around.

The doorbell rang, and I shot up, heading to answer it, revealing Anne, Jay (a very pregnant one at that), Fizzy, Gemma, Daisy, Georgia, Phoebe, and Robin. I led them to the kitchen, where Niall got them cake, while they gave Louis big hugs.

Anne and Jay pulled me away, bringing me into a bedroom. They looked at me before smiling, "When are you proposing?"

"Tonight, after you leave," I reply, fishing the ring out of my pocket, "Do you two approve of it?" I ask, handing it to Anne

They studied it, before Jay looked at me with tears in her eyes, "It's beautiful,"

"Don't cry!" I plead, giving her a hug

"I'm just so happy. My little boy is gonna get engaged!" She says, a big smile on her lips

I smile as well, placing the ring back in my pocket, "Let's go celebrate!" I cry


"Thank's for coming out tonight!" Louis calls, giving the boys a final hug

"Anything for our buddy's birthday!" Niall smiles, before they leave the house, shutting the door behind them.

Louis turns to me, a big smile on his face. He walks over to me, simply resting his arms on my shoulders. He then leaned in, connecting our lips sweetly. After he pulled away, he spoke, "Thank you for tonight. I really appreciate it,"

"You're welcome, my love," I smile back, kissing him again, "Your birthday isn't over yet," I announce

His quirks an eyebrow, "But?"

I gulped, before reaching my hand in my pocket, "Louis, what's that?" I say, pointing to the window. While Louis whipped around, I got onto one knee, the ring in my palm.

"I saw noth--Harry!" Louis cried, his hands cupping his gaped mouth, "What're you doing?"

"What I want to do." I smile, "Louis, from the moment I found you, I think I fell in love. I never believed in love at first sight, but you honestly changed my mind when I fell for you. I absolutely love you with all my heart, and I hope it's time to take this relationship to the next level. So, Louis WIlliam Tomlinson, will you marry me?" I ask timidly, my heart pounding

Louis stared at me, tears streaming down his cheeks, his blue eyes shining in the lights. He hiccups, "Yes Harry! Yes!" He screams happily, before breaking out into full sobs

I gasped in relief, before standing up and tangling our bodies. He sobbed into my shoulder, fisting my shirt in his hands, "I love you so much," He cries

"I love you more," I reply, pulling away to slip the ring onto his finger, his eyes staring at it with love

"Thank you," He whispers, before his lips take mine.

Our lips moved in sync, the kiss feeling of just love. As his lips moved with mine, I forgot everything around us. It was legitmately just us in my mind. My arms tangled around his waist, his hands cupping my cheeks. As I pulled away, he stared at me with something I'd never seen in his eyes before.


"Hazza, I want you to take me,"

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