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"Dude, where are you?" My flatmate, Niall asks

"Walking in this bloody rain," I reply smartly

"Zayn was getting worried you got hurt," Niall says

"I can handle anything, you know that," I reply, before I hear a whimper from the alley I'm passing, "I gotta go, I'll see you later,"

I hung up, placing my phone in my hand, 999 already on the keypad. I walked into the alleyway, before I heard a strangled cry, and the sound of skin hitting skin. I picked up my pace, seeing three figures hovering over what seemed to be a boy.

"Hey!" I screamed

They turned to me with a sneer that soon turned to fear, "Shit, we gotta go, that's Harry Styles," One gulps

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I heard the whimper again, my eyes meeting with a pair of blue ones, "Are you beating this poor guy?!" I demand

They ran off without a word, my attention adverting back to the crying boy beneath me. I got onto my knees, taking in his bloodied appearance. He tried pushing himself back into the alley's wall, as if he thought I'd hurt him.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm not as scary as I look. Trust me," I say quietly, my voice laced with gentleness, "Can you walk?" I ask

He nods, letting me help him to his feet. I felt something wrap around my leg, making me squeal like a little girl. The boy giggled, letting me take a look at what it was.

A brown tail that was connected to the boy.

"A hybrid, eh?" I say, "Cool,"

He giggles again, before wrapping his tail in my belt-loops, "Harry funny," He says with a smile

I think I fell in love with him from that moment on.

The Punk's Kitten (Harry!Punk/Louis!Hybrid Story)Where stories live. Discover now