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WARNING. This book is very sad. If you don't like sad fics then this is not the one for you. If you want tons of smut, then this is not the one for you. There will be some smut, but not a lot. Anyways ENJOY:))



It's a place where we go to build our future. A place that judges you based on how high you score on a test or how low. If your lucky, you make higher grades but if your not then you have to work harder. But it's not just the work, it's the people too. I've never really just not liked someone unless they hurt me, really badly. I try to forgive, but I can't forget. The only problem is that people hurt me.. all the time. So many people slam against the lockers everyday. Call me a fag everyday. Kick me, punch me, curse me out.

All I can say is that it hurts. Really nothing I can do about it. So I just let them hurt me until I'm numb. All over. In my heart and in my head. Physically and mentally.

I only have one friend. His name is Niall Horan. He's very protective of me, he tries to help me. He's kinda the only reason I'm slightly mentally stable. I've known him ever since I was 3. He's really helpful. He's the only person other than my mum who knows what's wrong with me, even if I don't.

Anyways, schools today. Monday. I absolutely hate school. I'm terrible at the work and the people don't want me there. I pay attention during class, to distract me from everyone else around me laughing, pointing, talking, ignoring me. I don't like attention but when I'm being purposely ignored so I would be hurt, actually does hurt.

I have to go to school now.

I get dressed in my black skinny jeans and a black Rolling Stones shirt with a black jumper that says "thoughts?.." on the front in white bold print. Lots of black? Yeah I know but it's my favorite colour. It's deep like when your in the dark you can hide but when it's dark all you can see is black.
I walk into the way to familiar blue doors. Why are they blue? I don't know because our school colours are purple, yellow and white. I like purple, it's pretty but I don't like yellow because yellow is for the sun and the sun is beautiful, to beautiful for a world like this.

all these people laughing, talking, smiling. It's cool to look over everything and see how people live their lives even though every single person has a totally different story, they still talk to each other. I love to look at people. People are like books and story's that don't get told until that person tells it. Mysterious little story's.

I think for a while because I get to school early so I can observe what's going on. But I'm pushed out of my thoughts as I get a warm inviting from the lockers, again.

"Let me go zayn." Monotoned because I'm so done with this

"Why should I you little cunt"

"Because I will be able to get away from you and you won't have to look at me."


"Good now leave"

Before he surprisingly puts me down he gives me one good kick to she stomach, classic.

I'm sadly used to things like this.

The first bell rings reminding us that class starts in 5 minutes, so I make my way to class. My first class is writing, I really like this class because the teacher is really chill and doesn't care that much. She has long brown hair and she always wears dresses, her name is Mrs. Baker.

On my way to Mrs. Baker's class I see a new kid, or someone I just haven't seen. He has pale blue eyes that look like the sky with bits of the dark ocean in them. It's like two different world's collided in his eyes. He has this caramel brown hair that's swept over his forehead in a fluffy fringe. He's quite the sight to look at honestly. I sit in my usual seat and he sits right next to me.

"U-um, hi. I'm new here, and I don't really know anyone. w-whats your name?"

"I'm Harry, Harry Styles. What's your name?"

"Louis Tomlinson"


He nods his head and doesn't speak for and while, he glances over and few times then shyly shakes his head back down.

*bell rings*


I turn around to see who said my name. Louis

"hello" quite surprised

"um, so who do you have next class?"

"Mr. Swinson"

"Oh okay"

He seemed, unhappy about that. So I ask him another question,

"Do you have anyone to sit with at lunch?"


He nervously bites his lip and looks down.

"Well I guess I'll just see you at lunch then"

He looks up to meet my eyes

"Yeah, yeah I guess so".

I look around at lunch to see if I can find louis, but I can't see him at the moment. I take a seat next to niall in our usual seats. I wait to see if I can find Louis but it's only been about 5 minutes so he could just be late.

"Harry he might be back in class, or lost. He is the new kid"

"Yeah niall, I know but. I don't know"

*lunch bell rings*

I didn't see Louis in any of my other classes. I didn't see him in the hall. Oh well I'll just see him tomorrow.

I walk to school so it gives me more time to think. So that also means I walk back home. Every day it's the same thing walking back home. I walk alone because niall lives another route than I do. I never see anyone. But today was different.

I saw louis. Sitting on the sidewalk with his knees to his chest.

"go the fuck away"

He gets up and starts walking away. So I slowly walk behind him because I still have to get home.

"Why are you fucking following me"

"I'm j-just going h-home."

He doesn't say anything he just turns around and walks the other way. What happened? Did he find out that I'm gay and he's some homophobic bitch that thinks I have a crush on him. UGH.

XX. I hope you've all liked it so far :) btw. the chapters will be longer


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